in #sc-v5 years ago

Jesus says to them: Fill the jars of water. And they filled them until the edge. He also tells them: Take out now and take the master of the feast. And they took her. When the steward tried the water made wine (because he did not know where it came from, although the servants who had drawn the water did not know), the steward called the husband, and said: Every man serves good wine first, and when they are drunk, the worst; but you have kept the good wine until now.

** John 2: 7-10**

We live in times where people run looking for security for their lives and for everything they have, (to which the human being gives value); which produces much anxiety, much anxiety, since the world's system does not provide it. Insecurity increases in the streets, in finances, in the economy of the country and the world; they work, they work hard but there is no happiness, there is no contentment.


In antiquity, to situate ourselves in the biblical story, the lack of wine meant a bad omen for the newlyweds, was frowned upon before society, spoke of mismanagement, that is why the worry.

The fact that the Lord was invited was not coincidence, although they did not understand it yet.

Water represents the word of God, and these biblical quotations confirm, among others:

For as the rain and the snow descend from the heavens, and do not return there, but water the earth, and cause it to germinate and produce, and give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but it will do what I want, and it will be prospered in that for which I sent it.

(Isaiah 55: 10-11)

I planted, Apollos watered; but growth has been given by God.

(1 Corinthians 3: 6)

Jesus in the development of his ministry on earth not only preached the Word of God, but He himself walked by the Word, He was the living Word.

In the words of the prophet Isaiah we understand the purpose of the word of God, it comes out of his mouth and produces fruit, it never becomes empty. In the vertiginous of our life, we tend to leave aside the study of the word of God, without understanding that it is vital for our life and communion with Him.

Winds are blowing with possibilities for the Lord's church, since deep darkness looms over the world that despairs in search of true happiness; the more you work the less you find it. But it's good that even though there is darkness, the light of Christ shines on his people, bringing hope to the most desperate situations.

Today we have the opportunity to invite Jesus to our life, to the place of work, wherever we move, to do what He tells us, to keep literally his words filling us with it, and in the precious miracle of conversion, the word converted into "wine" of life, "wine" of salvation, "wine" of happiness we can give it what the world seeks but does not know how to find it.


The real wealth is not in the accounts of banks, but in the treasures accumulated in heaven. These treasures are nothing other than the riches of grace that the Lord has given him. A believer goes desperately to the Church and leaves happy. Your sins have been removed. Look with hope on the future described for him in heaven: Revelation 21 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, nor will there be more weeping, or crying, or pain. Already, right here, he has the motivation of Jesus: "Have courage, your sins have been forgiven".

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