Grace the gift of God

in #sc-v6 years ago

By grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not for works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2: 8-9

This beautiful verse highlights three beautiful expressions which today I want to share with you:by grace, saved, through faith.

The first, "by grace", shows us that men can not have a living relationship with God based on the effort they make. We can see that the end of the verse does not confirm them: we can not be saved only by our good works, "so that no one can boast". By grace, we see that it is the attitude of goodwill in a free way that God has for man. God wants us to enter freely in relation to him.
The Bible never says that a life full of good works gives us the right to enter into the presence of God, it is living by that grace of God that leads us, many can do good works, but his heart is apart from God .

The man who does not possess that divine grace is deprived of that vital relationship with God, is spiritually dead in his sins (Ephesians 2: 1)lost, This is why man needs a Savior, and God gave it to us.
He sent his Son Jesus Christ to break our sins, free us from the clutches of the enemy. And this is why all those who accept this liberation as a grace from God, are saved from that moment.

And finally this third expression: "by means of faith". Only those who personally accept God and this invitation of grace are saved. Thus they prove that they submit to God and believe in what they are declaring, faith is the motor that will lead man to believe that it is the grace of God that has made them safe.

The Lord has a plan and purpose with each one is in us to seize them, live according to his word and understand that it is the grace of God that sustains us, that is not in what I do, but in the strength that he gives me and in the mercy with which he sees me, it is his grace that will lead us to reign one day with him.

There is no difference, for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus "(Romans 3: 22-24).


The Grace of God justifies the greatest of sinners and is for all, even for those who are to come, He came to seek, rescue and save what was lost, and that includes all mankind.

Amen like this it is by his grace that we are saved today

Grace is the greatest gift and uncommon favor from God.

so is his grace has an incomparable value and today we can enjoy it

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