The originality of God.

in #sc-v6 years ago

Imitation will never be the same as original. Has it happened to you that you bought an imitation of a shirt, pants, perfume, household appliance or something else? If it has happened to you, you will not deny me that imitation will never be the same as original.


If you were to choose between an original perfume of the best brand and another perfume with the same aroma but imitation, what would you choose? I'm sure you would choose the original. Now, if that original perfume cost two hundred dollars and the imitation with the same aroma costs ten dollars, which one would you buy? Maybe you could buy the imitation and that way you save one hundred ninety dollars, and you end up saying: "Total has the same smell. "

But those who have once had an original perfume of a certain brand and then by chance of life have had the imitation of that same perfume, I will not deny that the imitation will never be equal to the original. That perfume that is imitation you put it and after two hours the aroma has disappeared, instead the original you put it in the morning and the night comes and the aroma still feels very rich.

In the Christian life there are also imitations, people who seem so holy that they seem to be the best Christians in the world, they are almost identical to the originals, but they are not original, since falsehood will never be equal to the truth.

Many at some point in our life, we fall into imitation, we do the things that a Christian should do, not because we feel it, not because within our heart there is a fervent desire to do that, but by simple habit and because nothing else It is part of the routine of our life.

How sad it is when we pass from original to imitation, when we are people who long to please God with all our hearts, we become "Christians" who go to the Church as a matter of habit and not because we really want to seek the Lord.

The Devil is a first-class imitator, he is not original, he tries every time to imitate God bringing to your life a number of situations and voices that want to confuse you and make you believe that the passivity with which you carry the gospel is that God wants.

Try to deceive yourself by making believe that the sin you are committing and of which you do nothing to get out of it, is "NORMAL" and that "ALL" do it. He is a first-class imitator and therefore he will look for any situation to deceive us and make us believe that the mediocre life that we often lead is perfect before God.

Instead, God is Original, God looks for people who are not deceived, who do not believe that mediocrity is part of God's will, God seeks people who are willing to die to themselves, to die to their desires, to to die to what they would really like to do, but to deny themselves for love of Him.

God will never support your sin, even though he loves you and longs for you to let go of that, and therefore he extends his hand each day expecting you to decide and say YES to HIM and a NO to the sin that has enslaved you.

God wants us to stop being an imitation and we become original Christians who seek to please him every day, that despite our imperfections we seek every day to perfect ourselves in Him, that we do not tire of trying because soon we will see the fruits we have always longed for.

Today I want to invite you not to be fooled by the enemy, do not become an imitation, God is Original and those who seek Him must seek that originality in Him, for this reason today is a good day to allow the Lord to Take your hand and take us out of that life of lies that we often carry.

Today God wants to make you a Christian or an original Christian, who lives every moment of his life with the sole purpose of pleasing him who one day paid for his sins.

Allow our Original God to do an original work in you.
"We announce Christ, and with all wisdom we advise and teach all, that they may become perfect like Christ."


God wants us to be people of one piece, without mask, without hypocrisy, that we are sure that he is with us.

As a good Christian we don't have to copy other people way of serving God
Like some people will try to copy the pattern of some churches or make some pastor's their role model,why can't we be original and seek God with our imperfections we should find our own way to make perfections in him our God is original and those who seek him must find the originality in him.

Copy to God, to travel along its straight path.

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