in #sc-v5 years ago

"I made the earth, and created man over it. I, my hands, spread out the heavens "(Isaiah 45:12)


When nothing had yet been created, God, however, existed. He has always existed, eternally. And God could not have created in the universe, or he could have made the world and its inhabitants differently than they are.

God was not obligated to create anything; He did not need anything. But the fact is that His Word tells us (this is how we understand it by faith and the evidence of things), that God created everything that exists and that He did it as well as His good and free will.

Through creation God manifested His glory, His infinite wisdom and His goodness.

"Lord, my God, as I contemplate the heavens, the firmament and the thousand stars. Upon hearing Your voice in the mighty thunder, and see the sun shine at its zenith. My heart intones this song: How Great is He! How big is the!"

God wanted to put man on our planet, the Earth, and gave him an immortal and rational soul, making him also a spiritual being, possessing a sense of holiness and justice and an ability to relate to his Creator and enjoy Him.

God made man for good, and it was later when sin brought all the evils that we can see up to now in the world.

Do we want to know about the origin of the universe and man? Let's not go to science, nor to philosophy because they do not have the answer. Let's go to what God has told us in the Bible, and there we will find the true answers! There we are told that we are not the product of chance, nor are we alone in the vast cosmos. No, our origin is in God. Simply, He created us. And today I know from His Word that God continues to preserve and care for this world through natural laws and by His power and His Spirit. Also today I know for what purpose I was created and the remedy against sin: JESUS.

I end with two quotes from the Bible:

"By faith we understand that the universe was constituted by the Word of God, so that what is seen was made of what was not seen" (Hebrews 11: 3)

"How innumerable are your works, O Lord! You did all of them with wisdom; the earth is full of your benefits "(Psalm 104: 24)


The short answer that resonates throughout the Bible, with thunder is: God created the universe for His glory.

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