in #sc-v5 years ago

Whenever we start something in life we ​​do it with the assurance that everything will be fine, I do not believe that there is any person who starts a project, however simple it may be with the desire that it goes wrong or fails; The mentality of man will always be or must be triumphant, always hopes to achieve the success that has been proposed or reach the dream he has cherished for a long time.


This is to walk safe, with firm step, with conviction, without fear to anything, nor to anyone, on the contrary there is in him a full confidence of what he is doing, because his walk is that of a person mentalized in victory. This is the way the believer walks in his beginnings, since he is certain that the Lord at all times accompanies him, supports him, guides him, and gives him the confidence and peace that only He can give him ... but what happens when he stops trust in God, when he lets himself be dragged by the things that life offers him in his moment (vanity of vanities says the preacher), when he feels that everything in which he undertakes is triumph, when he decides to act on his own and makes the decision to walk away from the path that God has marked him. Do you know what happens? Everything collapses, as well as a building that suddenly lost its support, and everything in it had gone into the void, losing itself in its totality, so man loses everything, and it is then that his walk becomes tired, insecure, hesitant , and in his face manifests frustration and defeat; confidence and security have vanished; there is only the bitter taste of failure. Sad truth? But this is the harsh reality of those who decide to abandon the Way, who decide to renounce their Faith, or take control of their lives in their hands; They live their five minutes of fame, forgetting about God and all the promises He has made to them. In his mind there is a renewal, (another mentality), which is completely away from the designs of God, doing things that hurt the heart of the Almighty. The person loses the goal, as happened with Peter the disciple when he asked the Lord to allow him to walk on the waters and go to meet him, without caring about the risk involved since his gaze was on the Creator and Finisher of Faith; Peter did not measure the consequences, nor did he start thinking about terrible things, since his confidence was ONLY in the Lord, until he hesitated and lost sight of the one who held him.

Pride and pride are two very marked characteristics in those who walk away from the shelter of the Lord, feel powerful, confident and dare to say that they do not need anyone, even God; Nothing is further from reality, because in a moment, or in our whole life, we will need Him ... do you know when that moment is? when the circumstances of the same life overwhelm us, when we are going through a pain (physical or of the soul), or when the solitude (although we have everything in the material) shows us the need of a friend; When the fears, anguish, frustrations and unhappiness arrive. That friend is precisely the one I want to talk to you about today; of Jesus the Christ of Glory, the ONLY one who can forgive you all your sins, who can cleanse you from all your filth, who can change your heart and give you a new spirit; only He and no one else can transform your life and make hope, confidence and above all things love sprout from within; that love that is the motor of all human beings that impel them to continue and endure all the ravages of life. He will provide you with a new way of walking, a new vision, a sensibility that you have not experienced, will give you shelter, and you will shelter others; There will be born in you the intense desire to serve others without expecting any recognition or payment, since your reward will come from the Lord. There are only 4 conditions to achieve this purpose in your life, and these are: 1) a sincere heart, 2) the confidence of faith, 3) a pure heart, and 4) a life renewed by Christ. And this you can only achieve by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and recognizing that He is the Son of God. Dare to live a different life, full, full of peace, love, trust and hope. Try it and I can assure you that you will not regret that beautiful step that you will take, your life will change radically and you will start to walk with sure step.

To you, my brother / sister who has moved away from the path of faith, I invite you to return to the path that you already know, to turn to your sins, to repent of all the wrong you have done, to ask for forgiveness and forgiveness. , that you return with devotion to your first love, that love that transforms everything and that gives you the strength that your soul needs. Take the hand of the Lord and you will see that there is nothing more beautiful than walking in the way of light that is none other than that of Jesus our Lord and God. Amen


"That ye may walk worthy of the Lord, pleasing in all things, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing in the knowledge of God."
Colossians 1:10

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