in #sc-v6 years ago

The Sahara Desert is one of the hardest known. This story, says Destellito, is about a caravan that wanted to reach an agreed point, and with several days of travel, it was urgent for them to find water, because the one they had was over quickly, the sun and the weather had dominated them. Among their things, they carried a live gazelle. They took it and released it, the animal stopped for a moment, raised its head and began to sniff, until suddenly, it began to run, it knew where there was water. The caravan followed her until they found her drinking water from the crack of a rock. Everyone could quench their thirst. The gazelle always knows how to find water. Under the desert there are underground layers where it circulates, and this animal has the natural ability to find it when it rises to the surface.


Water in the desert

As the deer bellows for the currents of the waters, So my soul cries for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When will I come, and will I appear before God? Psalm 42: 2 On the last great day of the feast, Jesus stood up and raised his voice, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, come to me and drink." John 7:37 Jesus said to them, "I am the bread." of life; he who comes to me will never be hungry; and he who believes in me will never thirst. John 6:35.

It was good that the members of the caravan found water, and all thanks to the gazelle. The thirst can become unbearable when it is not satiated with water, many people have died due to it. However, the Word of God, the Bible, speaks to us of another type of thirst, it is one that torments the soul, the one that suffers it, does not find how and where to satisfy it. Drink wines and liquors, relate to other people, smoke, or drug with marijuana, base paste, cocaine, and others. He searches everywhere to fill the void in his heart, but finds nothing. There are many who do not feel inside the fullness they require, end up attacking their lives. It is a need for water of such magnitude that if it is not solved it will end up submerging the person in anguish and depression. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. The psalmist knew what kind of thirst he suffered, it was an inner need, of the soul, of the heart. And knowing Jesus the kind of thirst that the human being suffers, he cried aloud: If anyone is thirsty, come to me, and drink, really spectacular, and next to it, the promise, and whoever believes in me, will not have thirst ever Please, think about it, have an internal check-up, if you discover that you need to drink water, you know what you have to do, come to Jesus.


God will provide water in any desert
Nothing in this world can satisfy the thirst of God in our souls, only He knows how to fill it.
God bless you @jorgelis23.

If we believe in God, the things that we have never been heard would be heard, even what we have never been seen would be seen. We only have to have faith in him.

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