in #sc-v6 years ago

There may be times in life when we feel we are in the middle of a desert, full of drought and loneliness, and maybe we can even think that sadness is the only company in those times of difficulty. We have everything that others may not have and we feel nothing, we are surrounded by beautiful people but we do not stop feeling alone, we know that we do not have to cry but even so our heart hurts, we want a lot but at the same time nothing ; it is as if we were in a cell whose exit door we can not find, everything is like a beautiful landscape but painted gray. Actually, this is a difficult scenario to explain and describe.


This scenario is ideal for Satan to do his own and be motivated to execute each of his perverse plans; However, although we can feel so bad, hope continues to gain value inside us, a light that keeps us strong despite how weak we can feel and that light has its own name, that light is Jesus. One thing is that we are going through times of crisis and difficulty, and quite another, that we are thinking of throwing in the towel and deviating from the will of God, and the latter is irrelevant.

It can be very hard what we are living, we can feel something similar to what Job felt when he was stripped of all his goods, including his children and his health; the truth is that regardless of the adverse situation we may be experiencing, we must continue to trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and believe that everything we are experiencing, although painful and uncomfortable, is under their control. The important thing is that we understand that whatever happens we can not fall into the temptation to attack God. When we are passing through the desert, where everything turns gray and there seems to be no hope, it is when we are more easily tempted to blaspheme against the Lord; let us not do it, it is in the middle of the desert when we must pray to God so that he can give us courage so we can resist the temptation to sin or turn back. Keep in mind that while we are still alive, a miracle can happen, the last word is God; In addition, it is good to know that however great our problems may seem, they can never overcome the greatness of the Lord. Trust, He has everything under control.

I do not know about you, but I'm not going to give up, I renounce that absurd idea; I could not live without my Lord Jesus, where I would go, what I would do. Without Him I am nobody and of course nothing could be done. As long as my Heavenly Father reminds me who Jesus Christ is and what he did for me, I will not give more importance to the suffering or hardship I may be going through. I do not care what others think of me, I do not care how bad they can see me and how ugly they can think about me. The only thing that matters to me is that God holds me tightly on his powerful right hand, of Jesus Christ my Savior, the only one who has the power and the authority to help me cross all the deserts that He considers I have to cross to fulfill His purposes.

Today I invite you to tell the Lord together: "Jesus, we do not surrender, here we are for you, we have no strength and we feel that we can not do any more, but we continue to trust in you. Forgive us because we most certainly have offended you, give us your mercy and cleanse us from our evil. Continue working in our lives, continue to fulfill your purposes, we know that everything we are living is part of your sovereignty, your plans are perfect and we thank you for making us part of them. In spite of all suffering Lord, we give you glory and honor, we exalt you and we bless your holy name. You are the most beautiful thing we have, God and our Savior. Here we are Lord, do not let go of us, do not let us fall into temptation, keep us from going back, grant us your favor and allow us to advance according to your will. Strengthen our spirit and allow us to glorify your name at all times Beloved Savior. We depend totally on you, without you we do not want and we can not live ".

"Because a moment will be his anger, but his favor lasts a lifetime. At night the weeping will last, and in the morning joy will come.

Psalm 30: 5 (RV1960).

"So even though we have all kinds of problems, we are not defeated. Although we have many concerns, we do not give up. "

2 Corinthians 4: 8 (Word of God for All).

Blessed and praised be the beloved Lord Jesus Christ, for ever and ever, amen!



Well said @jorgelys23 "Then, although we have all kinds of problems, we are not defeated, although we have many concerns, we do not give up".
Thanks for sharing, God bless you.

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