in #sc-v5 years ago


God continue to bless your life greatly. The peace of God abounds in your heart.

Many times it happens to me that due to the mistakes I make before the Lord, negative thoughts overwhelm me and this leads me to doubt the presence of God in my heart. This seems like a constant battle in my mind. I always wonder: how can I know that Christ is in my heart?

I invite you to review what God says in his word and proceed to consider very seriously that God is in our lives from the moment we confess Christ as personal savior of our soul.

The promise God makes in Revelation 3:20 says:

Look, I'm at the door and knock; If someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in, have dinner with him and he with me.

Rest assured that Christ has entered your life through the authority and trust of God Himself and His Word.

Whoever opens his heart and lets Christ in, receives the promise of communion with God. From that moment, Christ begins to dwell in that person's life and teaches him the principles of the Word of God.

Then, begin to thank God often that Christ is in your life and will never leave you (Hebrews 13: 5). You can know that the living Christ dwells in you and you have eternal life, from the moment you invite him, responding to his promise. He will not let you down.

Can you imagine anything more wonderful than receiving Christ? I invite you to close your eyes and thank God, through prayer, for everything he has done for you. Remember that your relationship with God is not based on your "feelings." You may not feel different from what you felt when you raised your prayer by accepting Christ. Feelings will come later. Now, accept your salvation through faith.
Christ is the Lord of your life, because God said in his Word that, upon receiving it, Jesus takes control of your life.

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