in #sc-v6 years ago


You are the salt of the earth; But if the salt vanishes, with what will it be salted? It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and trampled by men.

Matthew 5:13

Salt is both a seasoning and a preservative. Salt preserves food from corruption, as does its flavor. The characteristics of the salt are impressive; I was reading that the salt subjected to the heat of 801 degrees melts but still does not lose its chemical composition. The salt after many years does not lose its quality, taste, potency and salinity.

In the Old Testament we are struck by the use of the salt ordained by the Law: (Leviticus 2: 13) "And you shall season with salt every offering you make, and you shall not make the salt of the covenant of your God ever lacking from your offering. ; you will offer salt. "

(Ezekiel 43: 23, 24) "When you have finished expiating, you shall offer a calf of the herd without blemish, and a ram without blemish from the flock; and you shall offer them before the LORD, and the priests shall cast salt on them, and offer them up for a burnt offering to Jehovah. "

Salt, as a preservative of food, symbolizes incorruption, preservation, purity; in these verses the salt is established as a covenant of God.

Let's see then the parallelism between "salt" and "believers":

  1. In the natural, the salt preserves (away from corruption). Therefore, in the spiritual, if we are salt, it means that we will live lives that are separated from evil, that is, sanctified.

  2. In the natural, the salt after many years does not lose the quality, flavor and power; the believer says the Bible that although we are in old age will continue to be effective.

  3. In the natural, the salt does not lose its chemical composition although it is in high temperature, in the same way the believer in the middle of the fire of the test will not stop being faithful.

  4. In the natural, the salt stops the advance of the destruction of putrefaction. Therefore, spiritually, if we are salt, it will mean that in relation to those around us, our influence will help stop the progress of the immoral or sinful. The bible tells us the following:
    (Colossians 4: 5, 6) "Walk wisely to those outside, redeeming the time. Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each one. "

When Jesus says that we are the salt of the earth, he makes it clear that his disciples have the same function as salt: we preserve ourselves, we keep walking in holiness towards God. We must keep ourselves holy, exclusive, pleasing to God, not through our reasonings or cults outside the scriptures; Like salt, the disciple must keep the truths of the gospel. How? Through his testimony, to live and reflect the word of God to others.

But if the salt vanishes ...
If Christians do not strive to make an impact on the world around us as we have described, we are like salt that fades - this is when salt loses its values ​​as it is contaminated with additives and other substances. In our terms, this means losing what differentiates us from the world. It is when we are half Christians and half worldly; we are still salt but a salt without flavor, and without the properties that define it as such.

There is nothing more insipid and harmful than a professing Christian (that is, who professes to be a Christian), but who is far from being so.

Consequences of ceasing to be salt
If we abandon the properties of salt as such, three irremediable things occur

  1. The earth can not be salted

  2. When faded, and "we do not serve more for nothing ...". That is, "It has no strength". We will have ceased to be useful for God.

  3. We will then be thrown out on the ground "and trampled by men". It is the enemy through men, of the people of this world, that is going to trample us.

I hope that on this day we can say as the author of the Hebrews said, but we are not those who go back to perdition, but those who have faith for the preservation of the soul! (Hebrews 10:39)



Well said @jenniferbrito:
If Christians do not strive to make an impact on the world around us as we have described, we are like salt that fades away.
We can not fade, but be salt for humanity.

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