in #sc-v5 years ago

What to do when the earth has been worked diligently, but nevertheless that harvest has not sprouted ?, Or when you have detached yourself from sin and perhaps that life in abundance still does not arrive ?, Or when the battle has lengthened more than what you had expected and your faith begins to be diminished? Regardless of the situations that you have had to face, you have remained firm, you have not given in, but nevertheless that longed for blessing does not come. The knees lose resistance, the sword is no longer held with the same force, the passion descends, and perhaps we only move by inertia.


Within you, there is the certainty that what you were fighting with has been defeated, but this process is not over yet. In those moments it is difficult to imagine what God promised as a reality, there is doubt within the heart as to whether He will fulfill what He promised. And this is understandable, because in the tests the heart wears out. But, you have to get rid of it to lighten the load.

If this is your case brother / sister I want to remind you of the following: Has God left you wrong? You must remember that when you have done your part He always does his part. That word that you received from God will bear fruit if you keep believing in Him one day at a time, with the certainty that He will fulfill His purpose:

"Just as rain and snow descend from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth before
and make it fruitful and germinate so that it gives seed to the sower and bread to the one who eats,
so is the word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but it will do what I desire and it will fulfill my purposes. "
Isaiah 55: 10-11 (New International Version)

I know that this process has not been easy for you, but I want to remind you of this: The size of that test will be the blessing you will receive for believing when it was hard to believe; and that this part of your life is only a cycle, it is something momentary that the Lord is using to add glory to his name through you.

Today is the time to return to believe with more passion than before and to have the certainty that you will receive what belongs to you. If you long for this, pray with me this prayer:

«Father, forgive me if I allowed my heart to harden in this process. Today I have an understanding of that and I ask you to cleanse my heart so that I can feel that blessing that belongs to me. Strengthen my spirit and ignite my passion even more than before. Allow me to glorify your name with that harvest that belongs to me. In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen. "

"The one who carries the precious seed will walk and cry; but he will come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves "
Psalm 126: 5-6



"He who carries the precious seed will walk and cry, but he will return with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves." I carry these words in my heart @jenniferbrito. Certainly God will never forget what we have sown, that is our hope.
Thanks for sharing.

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