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in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

The term consecrate means to deviate from all that God does not like, to stop doing any kind of practice that infringes the law of God or his statutes of holiness, which are within the correct margins of morality. It should be noted that today despite the fact that technology is much more advanced than in previous decades, there have also appeared innumerable ways of sinning, someone could say that the networks, the media, the current music was created by the Enemy of God (Satan) with the Goal of destroying God's most precious thing here on Earth (man).

Because it is ideal to speak of consecration in these dangerous times where it seems that fashion or new tendencies are opening up even among Christians in this age? It is strictly a duty to declare that our God has called us to holiness and not to filth. From my personal point of view I am understanding the conduct of many of my siblings who are radical (non-religious) with regard to consenting certain attitudes that show that seriousness is needed in the Church of Jesus Christ.

Either by ignorance or by choice not to apply what God demands from the beginning of time is very serious, know and understand that this does not please God, I mention only some things like: see novels, see Nude scene , to say bad words consciously, to dress unseemly (men and women), to foment hatred and grudge, to listen to music that does not build, to be humanist and not biblio. Centric, not to speak forcefully the word of God to those who do not have Jesus Christ as Lord, not to honor the parents, to hold grudges in our hearts toward others, arrogance, arrogant, arrogant, just to name some of the things that are present in Many of us.

In previous writings I have expressed with all the intention the desire that together we can serve and please our Heavenly Father, I have written many times the verse that is located in the book written by the Apostle Paul addressed to the Church of the Romans 12:1-2 translation In current language (TLA)

Romans 12:1-2 translation In current language (TLA)
The New Life
So, my brethren, since God is so good to you, I ask you to devote your whole life to serving him and doing all that he likes. This is how you should be worshipped. And don't live as everyone lives. On the contrary, they change their way of being and thinking. So they can know what God wants, ie everything that is good, nice and perfect.

I see with concern and fear that many of us could deviate if we are not focused on the truth of the Lord, do not misunderstand me please, I speak to reflect and not to accuse, but if extremely concerned because we should not ignore that the Machinations of the devil will be used for destruction, we must not neglect or give us the luxury of opening doors that then make the enemy take advantage to lead us to condemnation, become aware and encourage reading the Word of God, investigating, studying, Asking our leaders and elders who have already traveled their lives learning from the different times so as not to leudarnos with the sin of these times.

Matthew 24:24 Parallel Verses
The Bible of the Americas
For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders, to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

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