in #sc-v5 years ago


Blessings for the whole family of the blockchain. Welcome to my blog! My special devotional time to praise my God is early in the morning. However, the Word urges "that everything that breathes praise Jehovah."

We live strong and terrible circumstances, however, in those moments of trials it is when we most have to praise the name of our God. It is necessary to praise God frequently, regardless of the circumstances.
Many people exalt God only when something good happens to them or when they receive an unexpected blessing, but the Lord is worthy of our worship at all times, in all circumstances.

We should never praise God based on our circumstances; We exalt him because he is worthy of our devotion and because we love him. Therefore, praise him on the basis of who He is, in the midst of any circumstance.

Don't limit your worship to the songs you sing on Sundays in the church. Praise the Lord frequently, using words and songs created by you spontaneously. In everything and at all times, you can find countless reasons to praise God. Look for those reasons for praise and, during the day, articulate your sincere praise with your own voice and offer your personal expressions of gratitude.

While traveling alone in your car, if you enter an elevator without occupants, if you are alone in your office or in your workplace, or if you are alone in your home, take every opportunity to praise the Lord for being who you are. Honor him for what he has done over the centuries, for what he has done in his life and in the life of his loved ones, and for what he knows without doubt that the Lord is doing now and what he will do for you. , both in this life and for all eternity.

You will never run out of reasons to praise the Lord!

When you express your gratitude to God, you open yourself to the possibility of experiencing God's immediate presence. The Bible tells us that the Lord "dwells" in the praises of his people (Psalm 22: 3).

The higher your praise, the less your problems will be.
The more frequent your praise, the less reason you will have to worry or feel anxiety.
The more he praises God, the more he can see the things that make him worthy of being praised.

As you exalt it, your whole attitude will change from the unhealthy focus on your own ego and your problems, to a healthy and joyful focus on God and your responses. Then join the prophet Isaiah and proclaim:

Jehovah, you are my God; I will exalt you, I will praise your name, because you have done wonders; His old advice is truth and firmness (Isaiah 25: 1).

Continually be your praise to God. Do not give up and abandon yourself in the midst of circumstances, and at all times, praise God.

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