in #sc-v5 years ago


We can know that we are true children of GOD, when we recognize and accept the corrections in our lives and the transformation that our Heavenly Father asks us to understand that we are really and true Christians, and that we stop doing the wrong having self-control our meat. That is to say that we have died to sin and we are free from condemnation by grace of our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST for which today we are resurrected with him and things are made new. COLOSENSE: CAP.3 VERS.1: If, then, you have risen with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of GOD.

In Christ we are more than conquerors and members of a new family, in Christ we have a new special position and with the biblical basis to keep our self-esteem high.
We are children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Almighty God). We are new creatures and more than victors. SAN JUAN: CAP.1. VERS. 12: But to all who received him, to those who believe in his name, he gave them the right to be children of GOD. Therefore when we receive our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST we die for the world and begin a new life and all the filth of our lives were cleansed and our garments are like fine linen, we are temple of the Holy Spirit, we are holy, and we are the body of Christ AMEN.

Our position in Christ must be very firm, since we have an enemy who is very cunning, who was cast out of heaven for wanting to be better than our heavenly father, was expelled with the name of Satan that the Lord rebuke him. GALATAS: CAP. 2. VERS. 20: With Christ I am crucified together, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; and what I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith of the son of GOD, who loved me and gave himself for me. We are true children of GOD because we recognize that the Lord Jesus Christ changed our lament into JOY and brought us out of darkness into the light to give us life in abundance. LOVE MY BELOVED BROTHERS. GOD BLESS YOU.


Believers are chosen in Christ, because one day we open our hearts and allow Him to enter into Him. For this reason we have become children of God and He has given us a new identity.
Thanks for sharing @gloriana071.

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