Commit your works to Jehovah

in #sc-v6 years ago

Proverbs 16: 3
"Commit your works to Jehovah, and your thoughts will be affirmed."

The word "encomienda" means an order or request that a person makes to another that they perform a certain task or that they are in charge of something or someone.
The Bible uses this word as an assignment to practice the word of God in conduct and action.
For example, we read in 2Timothy 2: 2 "and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, that entrusts to faithful men who are fit to teach others also."
In the same way, the aforementioned verse exhorts us to "entrust our works to Jehovah so that our thoughts may be affirmed.

¿Why should we entrust our works to God?

Because whoever consults the Lord with his plans discovers God's purpose, how can someone who never consult God, who does not intimidate God, know what his purpose is? - God has wonderful plans for each one of us, but we must entrust our works to Him, besides our thoughts we must submit them to His divine will, so that He may affirm them for good.

Remember to entrust is to surrender, is a security confidence, therefore Hebrews 11: 6 says: "It is necessary that he who approaches God believe that he found him, to please him and for him to give us the reward or reward of what he has promised for those who love him and obey him

From sc-v we invite you to use:


When I was immature I was very impulsive, that's why people always betrayed me constantly, I gave my plans, my dreams, and the last one I consulted was God, when I was already in trouble, we never do something without consulting our father, the will guide us.

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