Your church or mine?

in #sc-v5 years ago

It is amazing how many of us form a division and call ourselves Christians, we spend most of our time criticizing, questioning and judging others, but we have forgotten the most important thing is that God is love.

Hello Steemians, blessed day, I greet you @genesis2000. I just want to remind you that each blog is a challenge for you and me, even if it does not seem like it; because the purpose of this is that we can learn together and improve each day.

I was born in a home where I formed a religion, I did all the activities and I was very well known in the church, however there was a lot of spiritual lack and many were forced or because they were special dates.

In spite of going almost every day to church there was something in me that was growing and it was an emptiness, this does not mean that I did not read the bible, on the contrary, I read it a lot and that was what I reproached myself for because people I greatly estimated in my childhood I saw them committing actions that are NOT moral and those people attended church so my esteem for that person was on the ground.

Many things happened and I ended up getting together in another church, where I felt the presence of God in my life and many things changed, but there was something that did not change and that everywhere we go there are hypocritical people and there is criticism.

Many think that because it is a church they will not find these bad things, but it is because we are very sorry and human and we all make mistakes.

there is to know how to correct people because whatever religion they are, there are those wolves dressed in sheep who want you not to integrate into the body of Christ and we prefer to stop attending church because so-and-so looked at us ugly or because someone else I did not like him.

instead of saying "I am going because I want to receive the word of God".

Being in 2 totally different churches made me understand that I should not judge the other because he does or does not do what the bible says or because he carries tattoos, we do not know the past of others and how he has changed.
I learned to take the time to get to know people and their testimonies, since many times we fall into the error of I AM MORE THAN YOU as regards the word, and ...

How is this? Well, we enter into discussions with people of another religion that the bible says we should do and not do, instead of preaching love, peace, tolerance.

Because ok, maybe it is preached, prayed, sung or praised in a different way is more until the clothes change by the type of religion or congregation. But Hey ...

We follow a single God who is the important thing and when we are in Heaven I doubt very much that God says "well, let's do it by rows. Those of the church "X" on the right and those of the church "Y" in the middle and those of "Z" on the left. "Hahahahahaha would be absurd.

God says he will come for his church, there are many temples but only one church and we are all those of us who are gathered speaking in his name and giving testimony of how Christ has transformed us.

Let's stop looking at others under our shoulder and those who are in those bad steps do not tell him he's going to hell, they already know that, better tell him something he does not know and that God loves him despite all your mistakes and that no matter how bad you have done, if there is repentance of heart THERE IS SALVATION and there is a place in heaven specially designed for that person.




Excellent @genesis2000, it is clear that having Jesus in the heart is the most important thing. Religions do not change do not save do not give peace, only Jesus in the heart of man makes the difference, then, there is only one God one way that is Jesus Christ who invades soul spirit and body of someone who truly loves and follows him.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you for always complementing my post !!!! Your comments are a blessing not tell him he's going to hell, they already know that, better tell him something he does not know....

Lovely line! Thanks for the word and thanks for following me.

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Thanks to you, because you have very valuable content!

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