(NEWS) "Yes, to life! No to death"

in #sc-v5 years ago

More than half a million Colombians marched in favor of the two lives

More than half a million people from more than 60 cities in Colombia participated on Saturday in the National March for Life with slogans in favor of the two lives and rejection of abortion.

Those attending the mobilization carried flags and wore blue clothes. In addition, they carried signs that said phrases like "Men also hurt abortion," "It hurts my heart to have aborted," among others.

After the demonstrations, the demonstrators gathered to hear the words of some of the most prominent leaders of the Colombian Church.

"We solemnly declare that life is sacred from its conception. We believe that the wombs of women are a temple of life and not of destruction.

We affirm that Christians, here in our beautiful nation of Colombia, we get up and we will be thousands, and millions, that we will go through the squares, through the streets declaring Yes, to life! No to death, "said Eduardo Gómez, vice president of the Evangelical Council of Colombia Confederation (CEDECOL) and also vice president of the Latin American Evangelical Alliance (AEL).

"This is the beginning of more mass and public demonstrations in all cities of Colombia, because it is perceived that in the Congress of the Republic will be placed a decree to approve abortion in Colombia," he added.

"Throughout Latin America, life is defended by men and women who love and value everyone's life, in all its moments: from conception to death decided by God, our Creator.

In the Latin Evangelical Alliance, the defense of life, family and creation is an extremely important issue in our agendas. As the Church of Christ, we are committed to serving those who suffer, for various reasons, and we want to provide concrete help, as we have been doing for a long time.

Today the demonstration is through marches that take place in different countries, cities, where Christians have a presence and we have civil and spiritual commitment, "said Juan Cruz Cellammare, executive director of the AEL.

The organizers of a movement called "I choose the 2 lives" has already confirmed a new convocation for next Saturday May 11 in different parts of the country.


And little by little we are going to fight for these beings who also have rights like us. They are creations of God and from the womb already has something fundamental called "LIFE"


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