in #sc-v5 years ago

Hebrews 4: 12-13 "For the word of God is living and efficacious, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and the intentions of the heart.

And there is no created thing that is not manifest in his presence; rather, all things are naked and open to the eyes of the one to whom we have to give an account. "

Hello Steemians, blessed day, I greet you @genesis2000. I just want to remind you that each blog is a challenge for you and me, even if it does not seem like it; because the purpose of this is that we can learn together and improve each day.

Let's concentrate on the following words.

Discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart

Discern: Distinguish by intellect one thing from another or several things between them.

Many times we say: "It is that nowhere in the bible does it say how I am going to know what my husband is going to be, or if I like it.

And sometimes we want to listen to this world in context.

Rather all things are naked and open to the eyes of the one to whom we have to give an account

When you go before God, saying: "Oh Lord, will it be John for me? But let your will be done"

God really knows when we want our will or his will to be done. There is no way in the world that you and I can deceive God.

But let's place 2 examples, one should not be done and the other can be said to be the most appropriate.

  1. 3 years ago a girl named Juliana met a boy named Andrés. They were both involved in the church, and somehow they both knew they liked each other, so they began to pray for each other to see if it was God's for them to be together.

They spoke and wrote texts every day, they held hands, they left but they were not yet engaged.

Juliana prayed every day and asked God to show her if Andres was right for her. But deep down his desire for God was that Andrew was the one.

Juliana was excited, excited and longed for him, almost planning the wedding.

So his words to God were ones, but his actions were others. For that very reason unfortunate things happened, there were disappointments between Juliana and Andrés, things did not work and in the end it all ended EVIL.

The second example we will see between Juliana and Mauro

2 years after what happened with Andres, Juliana meets Maura in the church but decides to take things differently and began to grow more spiritually
So much so that she drew her own conclusion from things. And he thought:

If I have a cake in front and I put the napkin, I put the coffee and cutlery aside and I'm smelling the cake, it's going to be very difficult to listen to people and not eat the cake.

But if the cake is there but there is nothing that incites me to eat it, without being smelling, without seeing, without the guts roaring and the cake is saved, it will be easier to listen when they talk to me and tell me: DO NOT EAT IT !

In this way Juliana removed all feelings and emotions towards Mauro and asked God: Father comes this from you?

Little by little they met and prayed in the right way, Juliana spoke with God and said:

"Father, I feel something for Mauro. But I want you to open my eyes, that if he is not for me, I'm out of my way, remove these feelings from my heart, open my eyes and keep me for my husband, help me to know your will"

Juliana had the word of God in mind when she said:

Jeremiah 17: 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who will know?

That's why Juliana's prayer did not revolve around Mauro, it revolved around the will of God.

The important thing is to know that God does not answer all the time in seconds. And Juliana had to wait 5 months to realize that Mauro was not the right one for her.


Because it is absurd that after they are already dating, there if you ask God: Will it be for me?

God speaks to be obeyed

If God knows that you are not really listening to him, that you are not seeking his will, that you are acting in accordance with your emotions ... Do you think God is going to speak to you there?

Think about it ... If someone comes to you, to ask you for advice, but you realize that regardless of the advice you give them, that person will do what they think is convenient.

What you can say is: Why am I going to spend my time? If, in any case, he will not listen to me and he will do what he wants.

Do not expect God to act differently

Because God is a gentleman and is waiting for you to really pay attention so he can talk to you and guide you.

Take your time and do not rush, God will gradually show you

And if you know how to wait, it will take you to the right person who will become your future husband or wife




Knowing God's will for our lives is one of the most important things we need to know if we want to have joy and live the way we were born to do it. What God wants you to know about His will for you has already been revealed in His Word. .
And his will that remains secret does not contradict what He revealed for the reason that He never lies, and we do not need to know it either.
Thanks for sharing @genesis2000

that is very true, thanks for always providing great tips in our post, It helps us know that if there are people who are reading them!

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