Do you know about God or do you know God?

in #sc-v5 years ago

John 16: 7 "But I tell you the truth: It is better for you that I go away, because if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you, but if I go, I will send it to you."

John 16: 13 "But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own account, but will speak whatever he hears, and will tell you what things will be come."

The Holy Spirit is the one who is this way to support us, it is the one that God commanded to take the place of Jesus and we can see that he is the Spirit of truth.

BUT ... Do you know about God or do you know God?

Hello Steemians, blessed day, I greet you @genesis2000. I just want to remind you that each blog is a challenge for you and me, even if it does not seem like it; because the purpose of this is that we can learn together and improve each day.

Many may have read the entire Bible 3 times, listen to many preachings, study theology. But still, "DO NOT KNOW GOD"

And the challenge is that together we begin to know "TO GOD" and not "OF GOD"

Like Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The word says that: When Jesus died on the cross, the veil that separated the Spirit of God from the people was torn.

And that happened so that today! we can get closer to him, and know him more, not FROM him, but TO HIM.

Because you may have a lot of biblical knowledge.

But this knowledge does not help you so much, if until now you have not felt the presence of God that runs through you and fills you with joy.

Where God goes from being a stranger, to being your best friend, with whom you can count at ALL TIMES.

It is knowing that God is powerful, God is sovereign, GOD IS OUR FATHER.

Let us know that Jesus, first of all, is the messiah, he is a sacrifice, he is the lamb, he is the son of God, he is God with us.

And that we knew that the Holy Spirit is here to comfort us, to bring us peace and to be with us

And that the biggest show of love that someone can give for you and me, they already gave it, was two thousand years ago on a cross.

For that reason, it is worth knowing more about God and his immense love, which can make our whole life change radically!




If you do not know God, you may seem distant and indifferent - or angry and demanding. But when you meet him you experience that he has a personal interest in you - both in the trials and in the victories of daily life. It is possible to get to know God personally, and learn to understand your thoughts and ways!
When you know God your whole life changes forever.
Thanks for sharing @genesis 2000.

El sacrificio de Jesús es el aval que garantiza el triunfo de los designios divinos en la historia, la prevalencia del bien sobre el mal.
El plan de Dios era salvar al mundo por sí mismo, por su “propio hijo”.

Pero cuando vino el cumplimiento del tiempo, Dios envió a su Hijo, nacido de mujer y nacido bajo la ley” (Gálatas 4:4).

El Creador es ahora Salvador.

Por tanto, la salvación prometida es una segunda creación, que es obra esencialmente divina, pues nada de lo que haga el ser humano puede cambiar su condición de pecador, sujeto y objeto de muerte.

Pero cuando se manifestó la bondad de Dios nuestro Salvador, y su amor hacia la humanidad. El nos salvó, no por obras de justicia que nosotros hubiéramos hecho, sino conforme a su misericordia, por medio del lavamiento de la regeneración y la renovación por el Espíritu Santo” (Tito 3: 4-5).

Él nos salvó. NO existe poder en toda la creación que pueda separar a un creyente de Cristo.

Ciertamente, la salvación de un Cristiano está eternamente asegurada por quien tiene el poder y la autoridad para garantizarla.

Yo les doy vida eterna y nunca perecerán, ni nadie podrá arrebatármelas de la mano. Mi Padre, que me las ha dado, es más grande que todos; y de la mano del Padre nadie las puede arrebatar” (Juan 10:28-29).

Nadie, ni siquiera nosotros mismos.

Dios demuestra su amor por nosotros en esto: en que cuando todavía éramos pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros. Y ahora que hemos sido justificados por su sangre, ¡con cuánta más razón, por medio de él, seremos salvados del castigo de Dios! Porque si, cuando éramos enemigos de Dios, fuimos reconciliados con él mediante la muerte de su Hijo, ¡con cuánta más razón, habiendo sido reconciliados, seremos salvados por su vida! (Romanos 5:8-10).

Jesús me salvará.

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