in #sc-v5 years ago

Psalm 94: 9 If God gave us sight and hearing, surely he can see and hear! 10 How will he not punish the one who corrects the nations! How will he not know who instructs us all! God knows your heart, he knows perfectly how you behave, he knows how you walk in the streets, knowing what you say in your house and what others think of you, knowing perfectly what kind of Man and woman you are, If you are a faithful believer of Jesus Christ or not.


Ezekiel 18: 4 The life of every human being belongs to me, both that of the parents and that of the children. Only he who sins will die. God himself makes known to man that his life belongs to God, and that only the one who sins against him will die, I don't know this could be called a curse for the man who for his bad path, for his sin, for his rebellion to not obey God; he will die, it is his own decision, he is called free will, God does not force you to serve him, he loves you and forgives you all your sins, rescues you and offers you eternal life, what is true is that God knows your heart to perfection And what do you need?

The punishment will be inevitable

Ezekiel 14: 12 God also said to me: 13 To the country that sins against me, and that again and again is unfaithful, I will punish him harshly. I will spoil your wheat crops, and you will starve; I will end up with the inhabitants of that country and their animals. 14 If Noah, Daniel and Job lived in that country, only they would be saved, for they were righteous men. I am the God of Israel, and I will keep my word. If God brought punishment on earth it clearly says that only these three men would reach mercy and salvation, but it was by their testimony before God and the men that they reached eternal life, I do not know if this could also be called curse, that by the sin of man; have to die without the right to salvation and eternal life, for example Noah:

Genesis 6: 8 However, God noticed Noah and liked his good behavior. 9 Noah builds a houseboat, Noah always obeyed God. Among the people of his time there was no one better or more honest than him. The Testimony before God and men is important, we have to look for more of the presence of God and live pleasing him, remember he knows you and knows perfectly what you will do tomorrow, I will give you an example Peter tells Jesus: Lord I will even die for you, Jesus answers: Peter before the rooster crows denied me three times, God knows your heart, within the inhabitants of the generation of Noah, only Noah there is grace before God, righteous and righteous man, of all humanity only one.

Ezekiel 14:15 I could also punish that country by sending wild beasts, to end their inhabitants. The earth would be lifeless, like a desert, and no one would dare to go through it, for fear of wild beasts. 16 But even if Noah, Daniel and Job lived in that country, they could not save their sons or daughters. Only they would be saved, but the country would be totally destroyed. I am the God of Israel, and I will keep my word. God speaks that if a punishment came upon the earth he would only have mercy on these three men, but not even his wife and children would be saved, Daniel, a righteous and fearful man of God; that he did not want to contradict himself with the customs and everything that was in Babylon, that even the food he did not want to eat to keep himself clean before God.

Daniel 1: 8 And Daniel proposed in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the king's food, nor with the wine he drank; He therefore asked the prince of the eunuchs to be allowed not to be contaminated. 9 And God put Daniel in grace and good will with the prince of the eunuchs; Daniel preferred to honor God and keep himself for him; to be contaminated, that is why God gave grace to the eyes of the eunuchs and then of the king himself, Daniel knew that he should honor God with honesty, be integral, straight and clean before his eyes to please him and it was so much Daniel's pleasure to with God that God will book him in the lion's den, in the same way God will see for you and yours, just obey him and seek to please him in everything.

Ezekiel 14:17 I could also punish that country by sending an army to attack it and kill its inhabitants. 18 But even if Noah, Daniel and Job lived in that country, they could not save their sons or daughters. Only they would be saved. I am the God of Israel, and I will keep my word. This green word is very hard, God himself who knows our hearts testifies; against all of us saying only these three men will be saved, it could be said that this situation is difficult and worrisome, but we must work to change our lives, seek to approach God and be pleasing to his eyes.

Job 2: 3 Then God asked him: What do you think of Job, my faithful servant? There is no one in the whole earth as good as him. He always obeys me in everything and avoids doing the wrong thing, and he keeps obeying me, even though you convinced me to do it wrong for no reason. Tremendous but true, there is no doubt God knows each one's heart perfectly and he can with all certain to bear witness to us, because he knows us since before creation, God put his hands to fire for Job; and Job responded as God expected, faithful, just, upright, whole and out of all evil, something very important that you should know, you don't know how and when God will test your heart; Just as he did with Job, get ready today to be ready tomorrow.

Ezekiel 14:19 I could also, in my anger, punish that country with serious diseases, to end its inhabitants and all its animals. 20 But even if Noah, Daniel and Job lived in that country, they could not save their sons or daughters. Only they would be saved, for they were righteous men. I am the God of Israel, and I will keep my word. Tremendous, and that is why we must surrender our heart to Jesus Christ, because God himself testifies that only these three would be saved from all the earth, but God without knowing me, without me existing more than 2014 years ago opened, a way to save me and save you to you.

Ezekiel 18: 4 The life of every human being belongs to me, both that of the parents and that of the children. Only he who sins will die. I don't know how to say it was a curse or a sentence, that every soul that sins will die, that's why the word of God says that Jesus Christ became a curse to save us.

Colossians 2:13 While you were dead in the crimes and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God gave you life together with him, forgiving us all the crimes. 4 He annulled the act against us, which by its decrees was contrary to us, and removed it from the middle by nailing it on his cross. 15 He also stripped the principalities and authorities, and exhibited them as a public spectacle, having triumphed over them on the cross. We were dead because of our sin, because we lived an unpleasant life in the eyes of God, but it speaks to us that it was by uncircumcision and here it does not speak of a physical action but of a spiritual action, it speaks of our heart; that we circumcise our hearts, that we want everything unpleasant to God, but Jesus Christ forgave us and gave us life together with him, only with the act of recognizing him as lord and savior of our lives, he removed the curse that was against us that said: all the soul that sins will die, also the spoil of death and all power; the authority they had over your life, now your life has returned to the giver of life, to the Great I Am, to Jehovah God all powerful, Jesus Christ are his sacrifice on the cross made it possible, to reconcile us with the Father, through forgiveness of sins, granting us eternal life, paid everything for him with his own blood, there was not even a righteous man in all the earth, but God sent his son to be justified before the father, how? letting him into our hearts and confess Jesus as lord and savior and recognizing that he truly is the son of God.


Only God knows hearts, knows what there is and knows every detail of it. When we propose something immediately we propose it in our hearts and then we make it happen, for that reason we must take care of it and subject it in obedience to the word of God.
Thanks for sharing @erickbrito

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