in #sc-v5 years ago


Greetings, brothers.

In this new opportunity, we will share about "THE COUNCIL OF GOD FOR THE PARENTS".

The advice of God for fathers and mothers is this: "Do not provoke your children to be angry, but raise them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6: 4).

There are many fathers and mothers who earn hatred and contempt for their own children because they are treated in a despotic manner by cutting the dialogue before they begin; With tyrannical expressions like these: no! Shut! Go away! I do not want to see you anymore! Leave me alone! Do not bother me!

Other times they ridicule their children or punish them in the presence of strangers, in such a way that their children always find in them a negative wall.

When there is no communication and the necessary trust between the children and their parents, very soon they will cover this need, associating with strangers, who will easily take advantage of the innocence and naivety of the resentful children towards their parents.

Dear friend, do not fall into that mistake with your children. Always ask God to continue to cleanse with the blood of Christ and maintain a harmonious relationship in your family. God will give you wisdom and courage to repair any type of mistake you may make in your relationship with your children.

The Bible says that "he who hides his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and turns away from them will have the mercy of the Lord" (Proverbs 28:13).

So, if you think you've made a mistake with your children because of the incorrect way to correct them, call your children and apologize to them; Surely God will help you improve your family environment and achieve the mercy of the Lord.


Next, we will share some steps to follow, to obtain a good dialogue between parents and children:

  • Encourage them to express their ideas!
  • Listen with interest while your children talk (in turn).
  • Let your children speak always more than you.
  • Ask them questions, so they keep talking.
  • Never interrupt your children while they are talking.
  • If they are wrong, do not ridicule them.
  • Ask them a simple question, to help them discover their own mistakes.
  • If you are wrong, admit your mistake with joy.

The Word of God must always be the center of our conversation with our children; because that is what Jehovah commanded his people Israel. "And these words that I am commanding you today will be in your heart, and you will repeat them to your children, and you will speak of them when you are in your house, and when you walk along the road and when you lie down, and when you get up, and tie them up. as a sign in your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes, and you shall write them on the posts of your house and in your gates "(Deuteronomy 6: 6-9).

The Bible is the best counselor in the home; It is the most complete and updated encyclopedia, that we can find. For this reason, it is essential to put a volume of the book of God in the hands of your children. Each one must have his own Bible, just as he has his bed to sleep.

It is highly recommended to study the entire Bible with them in an orderly manner. God honors his Word, it will be recorded in the hearts of his children.

You must explain to them as they are small, the Biblical stories of holy children, who became national heroes in the people of God, by the grace of the Lord who accompanied them. For example, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, Samuel, David, Solomon, Daniel and his three companions, etc.

He must also teach them at their tender age, the tragic consequences of disobedient children who rebelled against their parents and against God. Example: Cain, Cam (son of Noah), the daughters of Lot, the sons of the priest Eli, the sons of Samuel, the wicked Absalon, etc.

The Bible is full of love stories, to prepare the hearts of young people and young women approaching the age of marriage.

Show these stories to your sons and daughters, so that they know the difference between a marriage with the approval of God, and another that is done on a whim against the advice of the parents; as in the tragic case of Samson and Delilah, and the happy marriage of Isaac and Rebecca.

King David said: "With what will the young man clean his way, keeping your word?" (Psalm 119: 9)
"In my heart I have kept your words, so as not to sin against you" (Psalm 19: 11).
"Train the child in his way and even when he is old, he will not turn away from him" (Proverbs 22: 6).


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