in #sc-v5 years ago


May the joy, peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

A wonderful news that the gospel of salvation gives us is that Christ came "so that we may have abundant life." Certainly, the Lord in his great love has given us a glorious gift that was taken from us from the beginning of creation. When our original parents (Adam and Eve) sinned, life became bitterness, disaster and problems of all kinds. We lost the true joy of leading a life rich in pleasures. The world was contaminated with many misfortunes, wars, diseases and hatred among men. That beautiful paradise of Eden became a dry land of difficulties.

When it was almost thought that we had lost everything, God sent his wonderful gift to give us back the enjoyment of life in His Son Jesus Christ. This glorious news fills us with hope knowing that the life that Christ has given us does not end in this world but continues in eternity. However, while we are in this body we must enjoy life, with joy, optimism, with a grateful heart and with abundant health and love for others.

Life has to do with the enjoyment you make of it. Life is not bitterness or sadness, that is why Christ took all these curses on the Cross so that we have a new opportunity to live with joy and abundant love in the Lord.

All this sounds wonderful and charming, it is as if you are already in the new paradise that God has reserved for his children of faith. However, it is our responsibility to maintain the pleasurable joy of enjoying the new life in Christ. We must love the life that God has given us again in Christ, and to love it we must pay attention to what the Lord says in his Word in 1 Peter 3:10.

Because: He who wants to love life and see good days restrains his tongue from evil. And his lips do not speak deception.

Joy resides in the spirit of the son born again in God. However, it is possible to poison joy.
The writing quoted above says that if we want to enjoy our life, which is possible even if there seems to be no joy, then we must keep our tongue from evil.

This is something already personal that everyone should practice: keep your tongue away from evil.

When the Bible says that we can enjoy life (apparently or not), I think it means that if we keep our mouths positive in times of difficulty, even if it seems to others that situations should make us feel depressed, we can take joy from the source. from our own lips. Therefore, our mouth must be filled with the overflowing word of God so that in different situations in which we find ourselves, we have the word of God that gives us life and motivates us to declare blessings and not curses.

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