Is the fleece test a good sign to discover the will of God?

in #sc-v6 years ago



Dear brothers of the block chain:

To you who belong to the special people of God, and who continue to believe in Jesus Christ and live very close to him, I send you my regards.


It is important to share this teaching, as some try to determine the will of God through "the fleece test" as Gideon did with the proposed sign of the drenched and dry fleece.

We say: "If this happens, I will do it, but if the other thing happens, I will do something different".

How are these strategies different from addressing the will of God as if it were a matter of throwing a coin and basing our decisions on a succession of faces and seals? In most cases, putting a fleece of wool on the ground does not show strong faith in God, but the unhealthy suspicion that He does not want the best for us, or that the fulfillment of His gifts can not be guaranteed. promises


The fleece test, book of Judges 6: 36-40.

The fleece test is described in the book of judges, when God called Gideon to defeat the Midianites.

It is obvious that Gideon did not feel secure about the great task that the Lord assigned him. Instead of proceeding with faith, he introduced his famous fleece, not to discover the will of God but to try to acquire a total certainty of success.



Three questionable elements of the fleece proposal.

  • First, the use of polar wool was Gideon's idea, not God's. Nowhere in the Scriptures does the Lord authorize such a practice or call it a legitimate method to know its purposes.

When God makes his will clear, he expects us to trust him.

  • Second, it is the only use of this method in the Bible. Nobody else uses it.

  • Third, Gideon put the fleece on earth to ratify the will of God. He knew what the Lord had commanded him to do, but he wanted to be sure of the result God had already promised. Gideon understood that the Lord wanted him to command the people in their battle against the Midianites. The armies had already risen to war (Jg 6:33) and he was the head of the nation. However, he wanted to receive an extraordinary sign from God to know that both he and the Israelites would succeed. Each of us has done the same at some time of need. We had to go to God in prayer to look for a sign that encourages us.



The Lord calls us to be faithful.

Repeatedly in the Scriptures, the Lord calls us to be faithful. Genuine trust in God means that we follow him where he shows us and that we do what he says, without worrying about the result. Job expressed it very well: "Although he will kill me, I will attend to him" (Job 13:15).

Gideon's actions indicated that he really did not believe that God would do what he said he would do. However, he had a great desire in his heart to trust in the Lord, and that is what God saw in him. The Lord calls us to behave differently. We must take each step by faith, not out of fear, doubt or anxiety. The psalmist wrote: "God is our refuge and our strength, our help in times of trouble, so we will not fear, even if the earth retreats and the mountains are transferred to the heart of the sea" (Ps 46: 1-2). .



Gideon's actions indicated that he really did not believe that God would do what he said he would do. However, he had a great desire in his heart to trust in the Lord, and that is what God saw in him. The Lord calls us to behave differently. We must take each step by faith, not out of fear, doubt or anxiety.


very good teaching @elpastor, we must trust in God and learn to listen to His voice and obey.

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