How can I recover my courage in times of adversity?

in #sc-v6 years ago



Dear brothers of the block chain:
To you who belong to the special people of God, and who continue to believe in Jesus Christ and live very close to him, I send you my regards.


In a real sense, we can say that, adversity is like a military training: hard, painful and difficult. The difficulties force us to adopt routines and new habits that allow us to mature in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being, as well as grow in our relationship with the Lord.

In times of adversity, our focus of resistance and courage is to cling to the wonderful promises of our God. In this sense, for the development of the present study, we will rely on the book of Joshua 1: 6-9.


In times of trial, we must remain courageous and faithful.

We must also be steadfast in our devotion to the Lord as we struggle against feelings of doubt, fear and limitation.

He will give us strength and hope, not only to endure difficulties, but also to make the necessary changes in us, so that we can claim the blessings of God.



The Holy Spirit will transform the body of our humiliation.

Thank God, we can trust that the Holy Spirit will "transform the body of our humiliation, so that it may be like the body of his glory" (Phil 3:21). He will change us to live a life that honors our Savior, Jesus Christ, and we can face each obstacle with courage.



Joshua as Moses' helper.

As an assistant to Moses, Joshua had grown in his faith and leadership skills, and he knew adversity very closely. Undoubtedly, the forty years of pilgrimage in the desert had subjected him to physical, spiritual, emotional and mental difficulties that made him understand the bloody reality of pain and suffering. However, Joshua also knew that the Lord was with him and with the nation of Israel. This certainty was all that was needed to persevere, no matter how difficult the situation was.



God exhorted Joshua to be brave.

When the time came for the people of God to cross the Jordan River and occupy the promised land, the Lord appointed Joshua, Moses' successor, and exhorted him to be courageous:

  • "Be strong and courageous, for you will divide this land as an inheritance, the land that I swore to your fathers to give it" (Jos 1: 6).
  • "Only be strong and courageous, be careful to do according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded you" (Jos 1: 7).
  • "See that I command you to be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go" (Jos 1: 9).

Keep in mind the three aspects that require Joshua to be courageous: 1. make decisions that affect the people under his command; 2. keep the laws and the commandments, in the midst of changing circumstances; 3. to remember continually that the Lord was with him, so that the situation of the moment indicated otherwise.

There will be times when each of us needs courage in those same areas. The storms of life come without warning and make us cry out for God's help. That's why we need your wisdom, hope and security. Furthermore, when we compare the difficulties and trials of life with the great power of God, we recover the courage we need to proceed to triumph, because He has already won the eternal victory for us.



Bright promises in the Word of God for difficult times. God has promised to be with us. When we face any kind of evidence, He is by our side. When experiencing joy, love or sadness, He is near. Nothing is greater than Him, and He has promised never to leave us. The only way we can frustrate victory is by our disobedience and disbelief. Whatever difficulty you face or how bad your situation may seem, be brave, believe in God and do exactly what He says. God is the one who fights for you, so there is no reason to be intimidated.


Correct appreciated @elpastor, in times of crisis and adversity there is no greater hope and shelter than refuge in God. It is in the adversities where we become stronger, because there we mold our cararter and mature spiritually.
Thanks for sharing.
God bless you.

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