We are called to confidently approach the throne of grace. If we want God to respond to our requests, we must fully trust that when we cry out to God, He listens to us with all assurance. We must not give rise to our negative thoughts, nor enter into disbelief. In crying out to God we should only trust that He listens to us, and that we have issued the request of our hearts.
When we ask God for something from the heart, we must be sure that we are doing it according to his will. The will of God is embodied in his Word, and it is according to her what we should ask, and not according to the satisfaction of our personal desires. God will hear the cry of the righteous and respond according to his will.
In 1 John 5: 14-15, the Word says:
And this is the confidence we have in him, that if we ask for something according to his will, he listens to us. And if we know that you listen to us in what we ask, we know that we have the requests we have made.
Trust has to do with the certainty and full assurance we have in God and in his presence in our lives. We are sure that he listens to us and that our requests go hand in hand with his will or his plans for our lives. God is not going to give us something that is not in his plans for us. What God will give us will always be of benefit and benefit to our personal and spiritual life.
When we pray we must be completely convinced that God hears us. We must imitate the Lord Jesus in the trust he had in his Father, when he prayed for Lazarus to leave the grave. Jesus said:
.... Father, thanks for listening to me. I knew you always listen to me; but I said it because of the crowd that is around, so they think you sent me (John 11: 41-42).
This is a glorious example of conviction that God hears us when we pray. This type of trust is what we need to develop in our personal lives, every time we approach God, we must say as Jesus: "I knew you always listen to me." Jesus did not give rise to doubts or negative thoughts; He always maintained the certainty that God hears it.
Let us follow this example of the Lord Jesus, and we will develop a victorious life of prayer and absolute confidence that God hears us and will give us the request of our heart.
Good reflection @elpastor, being certain when we pray that Jesus hears us is what certifies our victory in prayer. DTB