The identity of the believer is rooted in the truth of God

in #sc-v5 years ago

All human beings have an identity that distinguishes us in addition to that which identifies us with townWhen we are born we acquire an identity that is what our parents grant us regarding the nationality where we live and little by little we identify with the values we are acquiring.Today many people ignore their identity and do not know who they are
Not all people acquire the same values and not everyone has the capacity to assume their identity in the truth of God.
Being children of God gives us an identity in Christ because we recognize that we have a spiritual father and He leads us to the truth of God.

The book of John teaches us that we are children of God and this is our true identity.
"To all who received it, to those who believe in his name, he gave the power to be made children of God." (John 1:12 NIV)

When we recognize this great truth, we immediately acquire the identity of a child and this truly makes us courage and develop our identity with the truth of God.

When we live apart from God we ignore what our real identity is but when we recognize God we change our lives and begin to live a new life.
The apostle Paul says:
"So if anyone is in Christ, new creature is; old things have passed; behold, they are all made new." (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT).
As we get to know more about the word we are changing since before we thought we had an identity but wrong and we started doing new things which identifies us as a new creature.

One of the things we begin to know when we acquire our identity and new life is that we recognize that we are a citizen of heaven and previously ignore this truth.
"Our citizenship is in heaven, where we also expect the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ" (Philippians 3:20 NIV).

Our identity is rooted in the word of God because she really shows us who we are, Paul shows us in the book of Romans that if we are children we are also heirs of God.
"If we are children, we are also heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if we suffer together with him, so that together with him we may be glorified." (Romans 8:17 NIV)

Only Jesus can give us true freedom so we can understand our unique and real identity. We are children of God! and that is our great truth and being children shows us that in the truth of God is our true identity.


Very true @elion, "The identity of the believer is rooted in the truth of God." and it is in that truth that we can know who we are. Excellent, DTB.

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