Christ is the absolute necessity of every human being

in #sc-v6 years ago

Reading to reflect: Romans 3.23

No one will ever achieve by himself the divine norms of absolute moral protection to merit the glory of God, therefore, if there is to be any salvation, he must come by another way.
That is why the Bible says in the text that I have pointed out that because all have sinned, they are destitute of the glory of God.
Christ: the absolute necessity of every human being, reason why the gospel is preached in the whole world and this requires that we see people as God sees them, as sinners by nature by their own decision for their behavior
Certain attitudes and blind pretexts have caused some believers in Christ not to notice the desperate condition of the lost: "because the wages of sin is death"
The universe or final reconciliation are terms that describe the erroneous belief of some that, after all, even the eternally lost ones will be freed from eternal judgment, but Paul said: "thinking this: that if one died for all, then all died "(2Co 5.14) because he saw the lost as God sees them, said that the love of God" constrains "him to dedicate himself to world evangelization, the nations, that is, all human beings, need the gospel desperately and are lost without him
A careful examination of the word of God will help us to grasp and retain the conviction that the whole of humanity needs the gospel


Man needs God to be able to obtain salvation and forgiveness of his sins


God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for atonement or reconciliation with mankind, which was separated from God
Communion with a holy God was possible only through the expiation of sins, which separated from God and from the promises of the covenant of humanity, it is the shed blood of Christ that finally satisfied the requirements of God's justice
The judgment of God fell completely on Christ, the immaculate sacrifice that erases past and present sins
It is through faith in the blood that humanity is justified in the eyes of God, the blood of Christ then becomes the link that binds the people to God and that entitles them to the provisions of the covenant of God
The blood of Christ is forever the only means of a correct relationship with the holy God



As a song says my dear @elion, but for his grace and his love, it would be like a wounded bird that dies on the ground.

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