in #sc-v5 years ago

And he said to them, Take heed and beware of all covetousness, because one has more than enough, his life does not depend on the people he has.
Luke 12:15 (VBTX)


Reading the article published in flash about values, he meditated on the great truth revealed through it; the human miseries are manifested in a blatant way but, it does not only affect the cecularism but also the children of God, and that is terrible, we can not allow it.

In the story we find thousands of people who can serve us to reflect and see that, when success and prosperity are not supported by the blessings of God or are in his will, it is like a giant with a foot of mud that ends up falling apart.

In 1923 a financial group of the most outstanding in the world met in a hotel in the city of Chicago, USA. Among those present were: the president of the largest independent steel company in the world, the president of the largest public utility, the president of the New York Stock Exchange among other important and wealthy "powerful" men of the world economic of that time. Together these men controlled more wealth than the treasury of the United States. For years the media had been publishing about the "success" in the lives of these prominent men. They were set as an example to follow, especially the world youth. they were at the peak of this world's success.

But looking 25 years later the "life" of these great successful men we find a great surprise; Carlos Schwab was the president of the largest steel company in the world, ended up living with borrowed money for the last five years of his life, died in poverty. He had been the first man in the history of the United States to receive a salary of one million dollars. Ricardo Whitney, the president of the New York Stock Exchange, was sentenced to serve a sentence in the Sing Sing prison. Others died alone after serving a prison sentence, others committed suicide.

All these men, considered as examples of success and prosperity to follow, had developed a unique ability to make money; surely they worked long hours disciplining themselves to set goals and reach them reaching the peak of their careers. But none of them really learned to live; Because life is much more than accumulating wealth and material things.

More than being successful, we are called to have victory.
The difference between success and victory is that the first is built on one's vision, that one is created; while the second, arises from the vision that God has for every human being, and builds on a project of integral happiness for our life. Which is shaped as we respond with closed obedience to the plan of God revealed through his Word, the Bible, accepting the grace and inspiration of God

In the score created and written by God, to sound good you have to be in victory ... and live in the key of winners.


Excellent @edxserverus. Wise words "The difference between success and victory is that the first is based on the vision itself, the one that is created, while the second is based on the vision that God has for each human being, and is based on a project of integral happiness for our life ". God is first in everything and if we have him we have everything, but if we do not have God we lack everything.

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