Christian leaders seek God's direction

in #sc-v6 years ago

Acts 16.6-10.
The word of God tells us in the book of Acts 16.6-10 the performance of one of the traits of a true leader through dreams and visions.
On his missionary journey, Paul planned a trip north to Bitnia. But that night he dreamed of a man who said to him: "Come to Macedonia and help us" (v.9). Because of this dream or vision, the apostle Paul changed his route. This revealed a character trait of leaders who are guided by the Holy Spirit.
The godless leaders of the world consult the horoscope and the diviners, in search of directives for their lives, but the pious Christian leaders seek the direction of the Lord through the written word, the Bible, through dreams and visions.

¡A Christian leader will always seek God's direction!


How will he look for it? - Through the sacred scriptures, there is the answer to all the questions, even in those where there are doubts.


A leader who seeks the direction of God have minds free of impurities; they do not conform to the norms of this world, but are transformed by the renewal of the mind (Rom 12.2). They have set their sights and their affections on the things above and not on the things of the earth. Therefore, when the Holy Spirit speaks to you through visions (day and mental images) and dreams (revelations during sleep), listen to the message without difficulty.


Very good reflection @doumerromero, a Christian leader will always seek God's direction for his life. Thanks for sharing.
God bless you.

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