in #sc-v6 years ago

In the previous message talk about the subject that God likes to ask, but what should we ask?

Regarding the petition prayer, there are several questions we can ask ourselves. The first, what can we ask for? They are going to tell you: You can not ask for natural things; Ask for God's will, wisdom; Paul asked that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened, and that is the prayer we have to do. But, in the Bible, there are petitions of all kinds; For fertility, for winning a war, for mana, for the sea to open, for forgiveness. You can ask for everything; There is no exempt category. Of course, we have to know how to ask; But there is no such thing as being able to ask for salvation, and not a house or economic freedom. There is no such thing as being more honorable to ask for healing, than favor and grace for when you send your resume, for a new job; One request is not bigger than another.


In the Word, we see incredible requests. The prophet goes out to build a house with the prophets, and the Bible says that the ax of one of them falls into the river, and the man despairs because he was borrowed; He goes to the prophet to solve the problem, and the prophet throws a stick and makes the ax float. God allows the prophet to use his power for an iron to float, to build a house. If it were today, some religious would question why not give money to those in need, and why build. And, very surely, whoever questions this has not given a plate of food or done anything to help anyone; But it is always easier to criticize. The Bible that shows us this is that the power of God can not be limited to a particular area, a part of your life, because you cancel the fullness of what God wants you to experience. The God to whom you ask for salvation is the same one who can bring healing, peace, provision. What can you ask? There is no excluded category; There are multiple things you can ask for.

Second, why do we have to ask? If God knows your needs, why have to ask? Because God does not get carried away by the obvious. Jesus asked the blind man if he wanted to receive his sight; Normally I want to, but what do you know! Maybe he had a son and he preferred the health of his son. Faith does not move because of the obvious; You have to direct it; For that, you have to ask. Not everyone wants a house, a vacation; You have to know what you want, so that, the day you are before someone who has access, I can give it to you; But, if you do not know, you can not one day say: I wanted such a thing; Because you never said it. It is not obvious that you want a new car; There are people who do not care, and if they give them, they receive it, but if they had been given something else, they would have been happier, because it was what they wanted. If you do not know what you want, what is your inspiration, your aspiration; where are you going? You have to be clear; You can not get carried away by the obvious. God is not going to be carried away by the obvious; God is carried away by your faith, and your faith is clear, precise; Your faith has to ask because it is not for the obvious. Also, God knows your needs, but your faith is not in whether God knows your needs, but in whether you know the provisions He has for your life; You ask, not for your needs, but because you know the provisions He has. When you begin in the Lord, you have so many needs, that you need your faith; But there comes a day that you do not need it; Already experience has taught you to work, your faith has led you to put the machine to run, you have managed to meet your needs, and there are many things you can do without faith, because you have learned through life; Learning was first by faith, but now your faith needs you. Why? Because, as you do not need faith now, your faith needs you to believe for something. Maybe you do not need a house anymore, but your faith needs to believe in something; Maybe you do not need a new job or a new car, but your faith needs to believe in something.

If you said today that you have everything, it could be true, and perhaps you would not activate your faith, but you would die, because the righteous by faith will live. What pleases God about your life is your faith; If you are inactive, you are not pleasing God. Of course, they judge you, because when you have a certain level, they ask why you are aspiring to more, if you already have what they want; But it's simple: Because your faith needs to believe for something; Otherwise, you die. When your faith reaches what it aspired to, you can not live for what you achieved; You live for what you are believing. You have to believe; Your faith needs you to believe.

Third, why do you need to ask? Because, when you ask, you show dependence on God. He who does not ask says: I can do everything by myself. If you do not ask God for a job, you are saying: I can get work by myself. Everything you ask is to demonstrate your dependence on God. You are not self-sufficient; And your request is an act of humility: Lord, if I am going to achieve this, it is because you will give it to me; This work is because you are going to give it to me; I come to ask you, Lord; I have prepared myself, I have my curriculum, but I ask you to give it to me, that you give it to me; I depend on you. In such a way that when you get it, you can tell everyone: This was given to me by God; It's not about work; It was God; This car, this work, God gave me; It was not the studies; I asked God, and He gave it to me. May everything you have be for the glory of God.

"Where do the wars and lawsuits between you come from? Is it not of your passions, which fight in your members? 2 You lust, and you have not; you kill and burn with envy, and you can not reach; you fight and fight, but you do not have what you want, because you do not ask. 3 You ask, and you do not receive, because you ask evil, to spend on your pleasures. "James 4: 1-3

What is it that ends greed and envy? The one you dare to ask. What happened to the eldest son in the parable of the prodigal son? The eldest son stayed in the house, he did not leave; The youngest son dared to ask; He told dad: Give me my inheritance. And the father, knowing that he was going to throw it away, gave it to him because he dared to ask. He left and wasted it, and when he returned, the dad gave him more.

The eldest son was upset, did not want to go to the party and said to dad: He has thrown everything, and I have always served you, you have not given me anything. And the father said: All you had to do was ask me; What's more, everything is yours: Take whatever you want. "You have never given me a little calf"; Everything mine is yours, dad told him. You are here fighting; Open the corral, and take the one you want. And that's what makes the difference in your life: That you dare to ask.



If we put God first in our prayer, then we are on the right path. And we can ask for things for ourselves, but ... And what about the commandment of the Lord in which he asks us to love our neighbor as ourselves? Remember that passage in the Gospel that says: "... What is the first of all the commandments?" Jesus answered: "The first is: Listen, Israel: The Lord, our God, is the only Lord, and you will love the Lord. , your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is: You will love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. "Mc12, 28-31.

Excellent message @darlenys01, I firmly believe that we must be risky with God and dare to ask because we have our father who hears us when we ask, when we ask He is willing to hear us and give us the best according to his will.

Often we lock ourselves in asking for things and help for this life, forgetting about God, our neighbor and the things that benefit our soul. We pray or we turn to God when we have a problem so serious that we can not find a way to solve it alone. We also remember God when we want something: a new house, a new car, a job, etc. Sometimes we remember him very little to praise him for the wonders he does every day.

Thnaks Apostle @darlenys01.

Among other things, one can tell you their concerns. The Bible invites us to vent to it, for it says: "Before you pour out your heart" (Psalm 62: 8).

It is necessary to put God first in our prayer, because He gives us everything and is infinitely generous. If we thank the one who has served us coffee in a restaurant, do we not have an infinitely greater obligation to the Supreme Creator, who gives us life, the sunlight, the air we breathe and who has done it without have any obligation? Our prayer must begin for Him and not for us.

We can ask for anything that is in harmony with the divine norms taught in the Bible. "No matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us," the Scriptures affirm (1 John 5:14).

The problem is that sometimes we only ask for material and temporary things. And where do we leave our soul? "You can ask for temporary things ... more always with the intention that you will use them for the glory of God, for the salvation of your soul and that of your neighbor; otherwise, your requests would come from pride or ambition; and then, if God refuses to grant you what you ask, it is because he does not want to lose you. "

It is important to reflect that before asking for anything temporary, we must think about asking God to forgive our faults and the offenses that we have committed against him.

"Lord, teach us to pray" (Lk 11,1) the disciples ask Jesus. However, they knew a lot about prayers. As Jews they had to recite them several times during the day. But they realized the wonderful world of being in the company of Jesus, their close friendship, their natural inclination to do good, their passion for the Kingdom; then they approach Him, to ask Him: "Teach us to pray". And Jesus shows them his heart, he teaches them to the Father, he gives them his life, his secret, what he carried more intimately within himself.

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