in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

In the reading of the new testament I realized that each book of the Gospel presents a face of the Messiah, of Jesus. Lucas is the widest of all; It covers more amount of time, history, and was written before 70 AD. Directed in particular to Theophilus, he seeks to teach a Gentile who Jesus was, presenting him as the Son of Man. There we can see the humanity of Jesus, his emotions, things that we do not see in other Gospels.

There was a patriarchal culture, what was spoken at that time was the genealogy of the father; but wanting to present the human part of Jesus, Luke gives that of Mary. He mentions events and parables that are not repeated in the other Gospels. He is the only one who mentions the resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain; Unique in mentioning that he healed a woman in the synagogue and another man, specifically on Saturday. Nowhere else do we find the healing of the ten lepers, the parable of the Good Samaritan, the parable of the Persistent Friend, who knocks on the door, who insists; the Rich Fool, the one who piled up, who lost his soul; the parable of the Prodigal Son, where the condition of the heart of two children is discussed. All this is very important for the message that Luke wants to present, that Jesus was the Son of Man. They are historical details.


"Because the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost". Luke 19:10

It does not say: He came to seek and save who was lost; He says: He came to find what was lost. Not only came to look lost; He came looking for something that was lost. Yes, he came looking for people, but in them he wanted to find something else, something that had been lost. That phrase is very important, because what was lost was really what it is to be a true human; They were so wrapped up in religion, with tradition, that the humanity of the heart had been lost, to have that right heart. Jesus came to demonstrate that you could walk as the Son of Man on this earth and have a compassionate heart. He paid the price for our humanity; If it were so bad, I would not have done it; he paid to rescue your humanity and get you out of your carnal stage so that you can live in this land in fullness and have a relationship with him in eternity through your vivified spirit; then humanity is good.

Every time I see the image or read the story of the two thieves, I break down, because before I read it and said: look at the story of that thief, until God spoke to my heart saying; Darlenys, that thief represents you, that thief represents all of you, you had lost your hope, your humanity, but I came to rescue you.

"When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have made, I say: What is man, so that you have his memory, and the son of man, so that you may visit him? You have made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor. "
Psalm 8: 3-4

The original text says: "You have done it a little less than Elohim". When it was translated, in their minds it could not be that God made us a little less than himself; No less than the angels. The angels are not bigger than us, they are our servants; Those who rebelled against God remained for eternal damnation; He did not die for them, they do not have redemption. If something should move your head is: Lord, what did you see in me? What do you see in humans, that you were willing to die for us on the cross of Calvary? Religion makes us see the opposite, how bad we are and are, sin. You have to submit your human nature to God, your sins, to live the full life; but God looks at you as something big.

Luke shows us the greatness of the Son of Man; He explains how he is born, the relatives, the friends of his mother, the natural and carnal. Then we see how the Son of Man begins to look for other men; all the miracles, the parables, the purpose was to find and help someone to find himself. We see Jesus' attempt to wake people up. In Luke 18, the rich young man seeks Jesus, but in Luke 19, Jesus seeks Zacchaeus, goes home. The one who sought Jesus was upset, but the one Jesus sought, his life changed forever. The rich young man asked what he had to do; Zacchaeus did not, from the heart he came out and understood what he had to do. And, when Zacchaeus says: I am going to give to the poor, if I owe something, I will pay for everything. Jesus says: Today salvation came to this house.

It was an awakening of Zacchaeus; He understood what it was like to be a great human. He admired Jesus, wanted to meet him, climbed on the tree; He never thought that Jesus would come to his house and meet him. That made him wake up. In these days we hire a young man who does not profess any Christian faith outwardly, but we hire him because he is an expert in something we want to do. When he arrived at the church, he said: I never thought that they would call me from a church! What surprises him is that we show him our human side. The religious see everything bad, what we have to correct; But those of us who seek and show them our humanity, how and who we are, these people are more likely to awaken one day to the reality of how great God is in a man's life.

This is what Jesus did. We see him talking about the Good Samaritan, healing the lepers, resurrecting the son of the widow, trying to save humanity. It does not resurrect an old man, but a child, a girl, and his friend. So, if you are not a boy or girl, be friends with him to be resurrected; Because the old do not raise them, it is the conclusion of Luke; Resurrect these children who represent the future of humanity. We use the word resurrection, but Lazarus did not rise, Lazarus came out of the dead; Like the boy and the girl. They eventually died. A person who resuscitates, never dies again. Jesus came back to life; They came out of the dead. But when Lázaro left, he had the same body, the same debts and difficulties, he had a little more time left now, but he was going to die. In between the story of Jairus, when Jesus goes home to heal his daughter, there is the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. Jairo's daughter was twelve years old. A woman who for twelve years had lost her life - because blood is life - receives her healing; but it gives life to a twelve-year-old girl. What Jesus wants to show is that humanity has hope, it has possibilities if we see man as something valuable.

The greatest thing of God's creation is the human being; but, being the greatest, you can walk on this earth with a compassionate heart. Find others and show yourself how Jesus showed himself, human, because in this is the hope of an awakening in the lives of those around you.



I love this approach of what is and should be ... outside of any covenality and doctrine. Sometimes I do not understand why religious catalog and measure good and evil, something like classic labeling, but not based on the greatness of being human and the creation that God has given us and all this wonderful world with everything what's in it I believe that @Darlenys01 should take this Christian standard to many places and change consciences, but it is not the voice or the thought of Darlenys but what the Holy Spirit has given him to give him to the world.

Amen @rubenmedina182, the world has to know Jesus, so that in him they may obtain freedom, it is the best thing that can happen to us that God reveals himself to us, makes us free from all yoke, all slavery, teaches us what fidelity is and what is true. love, is there to give us his love without condition, guides us on the right path, never fails his mercy, is new every day, look at the thief of the cross, when he still breathed there was mercy, salvation and forgiveness, if we are Still alive, then we have that same opportunity to surrender to the perfect will of Christ.

Jesus is not a religion, it is not the doctrine of men, Jesus is a clean and pure heart, his nature is based on love and the restoration of humanity through his blood, he rescued us forever, I know that when Jesus said: consummate is, I take away Satan's power, and snatched the keys of hades and death, and does not prevail against his church, against his body, and obtained faith, healing, wealth, happiness, love, hope, for us, so that we would go through this world to manifest its glory.

That God the Son has taken upon himself a real human nature is a crucial doctrine of historical Christianity. Jesus is true man and true God and that the humanity and divinity of Christ are united without confusion, without mutation, without division and without separation, each nature conserving its own attributes.

This is excellent @elgringo79, very well explained, everything is related, Jesus is still the King.

It is not necessary to make Jesus a "sinner" like us so that he is more human, because sin is not an ingredient that improves our condition, but degrades it. Jesus does compete against sin, not against humanity. Incarnate, the Son of God competes with sin to save humanity from suffering and death. Consequently, as long as our idea of God more resembles the man Jesus, we will be closer to knowing him and the kindness of a creation permanently put in doubt by those who want us to believe that evil is a "natural" content.

Jesus, perfect, sinless, came to rescue what was lost @mariela.

The recognition of the humanity of Jesus Christ is more precisely a question of faith in the liberation of the human being from evil and injustice. If the perfection of his humanity lies in possessing a psychology like ours, more perfect is when Jesus in obedience to his Father inaugurates among us the reign of God's liberating mercy.

A message of much learning, thank you for sharing @darlenys01.

Jesus showed us the way to live according to how he did it, reflective message Apostle.

Sometimes they make us believe that everything is bad that God is with a whip waiting for us to make a mistake, and it is not, thanks to Jesus' sacrifice, that love relationship was restored, and now we are children.

Excellent message @darlenys01, deepen in the scriptures is my passion, and this way of speaking in the word of God is unique, then, the Holy Spirit is the one who decides what capacity to give to each one, I have certainly nourished myself with a good food spiritual
God bless you

Jesus the best thing that has happened through this earth, the messiah, came to rescue what was lost, this is a revelation, that is why we have to love, because we are his making.

The word of God is alive, and it is infinite and shows Jesus from the Genesis to the apocalypse and shows the different phases of Jesus each gospel shows it in different ways:

Mateo: King
Marcos: Son of God
Lucas: God
Juan: God

long and beautiful publication, thanks for sharing.

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