in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

This is a message that many believers do not like, a message that confronts, that exhorts but that is necessary for the people of God to be aligned to the perfect will of God, and who, not wanting the right path, know that in their lives have left open doors for the father of lies Satan, enter and destroy.

Today I'm going to give you the keys to keep it intact, discerning the spirit of lies and the consequences it can cause. The enemy is not given a truce, you have to remove the mask spiritually, The spiritual world is very real. Whether he decides to believe in him or not, that does not make him less real. Satan's plan has always been to kill, steal and destroy everything we have. In the enemy, he will do everything possible to achieve it. But one thing you must know: Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.


Personally, I have lived this reality closely, and I have been disturbed by the fact that many people, deviate from the ways of God and begin to lie, the enemy uses them to destroy someone's reputation and fall into that deep hole.

Lying, is something that does not exist that people believe, but as it has no basis, it has no foundation, when it comes to the demonstration, that lie falls, and the person is left in a state of tremendous spiritual decay.
Now, in my local church I started asking

Why do people lie?
There are several reasons why people lie:

1.-To be well, even if they have been wrong, it is easier to try to be well with words that look good with facts, the problem is that what your facts do not sustain can not do your words. What we do is always going to be more important that what we say. You can try to please people with your words, or how cute you talk, if your behavior does not reflect what you preach, then you have lost your focus.
Be sure to synchronize what you say you are, what you do. You should identify those areas that are not right in your life and give them to God.
We must be honest with ourselves, when we go to the doctor but they do an analysis, they can not medicate us, in the same way it happens in our life and in our heart.
Today the holy spirit tells us each one of us!
That disease, which has caused damage in the lives of others, you will not be able to maintain it for a long time, always the truth will come to light and you can not hide it.

It's about recognizing me Maria, I Juan, I Pedro, I need to be a more loyal, more sincere person, not to have envy, not to murmur against my brothers behind their back to climb positions.

It's not that you do not know what area is wrong and what you have done, it's just that you have to be brave and recognize what you have done, who has hurt, can not be hypocritical, and want to pretend that nothing has happened , or try to look for culprits.
When someone interposes maliciously, with lies in the divine plans, and for a moment believes that I win, the sad truth comes later, when everything begins to dry up, because you are not against a human being, no, you are against the plans of the living God.

2.-At some time when people have defamed me, and lied to want something that I have, I wanted to defend myself with my strength, but God told me. Darlenys, I did not put you in a place to be the replicas of those who lie, I put you to light up, then turn the page and move on, I'm your defender, the one who supports you, the one who corrects you, but You are my beloved daughter.
Understand that every time you lie, you are recorded in the spiritual world, Satan immediately accuses you.

3.-People lie to hide things that would bring them unintended consequences.
We pray to God that there will be transparencies in the relationships of the families, when we lie or fail that God gives us the strength to recognize him, so that we can be blessed.
When you lie to look good, and hide it, that brings consequences, and harsh consequences.
There are people who lie to reach position in a certain group, but if you do it with lies, it means that you are not from there, and that sooner or later, you will leave.

4.-People lie for money or for position.
This is one of the most popular cases, and is found in the works, but that is in the church? in the Christian brothers ?, I am going to say something to you even if it sounds hard, if you lie and destroy relationships for money, and do not repent and confess your sin, you are not a son, you are a false, because the children of God do not we delight in sin, but the holy spirit that dwells in us convicts us, and convinces us and brings repentance.

You do not have to envy what another has, because God endows all of us with talents, with gifts, only when we are ready, God establishes that design.
Sometimes people tell me, I like what you have, because they do not know what I have had to do to achieve it, my God has disciplined me, corrected me, to learn that without process there is no growth. Tell me the times that God I said: Darlenys, you are an administrator, a businesswoman, and I wanted that at that moment I would give everything.
Then with 21 years, which was the age I finished my studies in Systems Engineering, I wanted to be a manager, without experience, not only experience of knowledge, but of character, so God answered me, well you want to be a manager, here I put you as manager. I am a public administration company, where you see everything, people with minds and behaviors nothing like what I had seen, at 6 months I already had a nervous gastritis, because there were situations that I could not control.
God taught me, to wait, to learn, to strengthen character, to wait for your time, not to help God, he knows when to give things, do not let the spirit of lies take over you to achieve what God already predestined.

What the bible says about lying:

JOHN 8:44 (BLP)
Your father is the devil and you try to please him in his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in truth. That's why it has nothing to do with the truth. When he lies, he talks about what he has inside, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

When your mouth is lying, know that this essence does not come from God. Satan is the father of lies, because he originated from him, he was the founder.

If you are a child of God, learn to represent it well, correct your life, straighten your steps.
Today, we must forgive all those people who have lied about us, and we must know that God will judge everyone who lies because of his chosen ones.

My brothers one of the things that passes bill in our life is the lie, not recognize it, before God, and before men.
It disturbed me a lot, I was praying for a brother who was going through a difficult situation, so the Lord spoke to my heart saying:
I have closed my ears to the prayers of these people, because they have strayed from my path, with their lips they honor me but their hearts are far from me, they have let themselves be seduced by the desires of the world and they fell into the plans of the evil one, and in them there is no repentance.
It is very sad to see the souls far from God, we must return to the old path, this message also ministers to me: the lies are not rainbow, they are not colored, there are no big lies, no small lies, there are only lies, and God hates the lying tongue.

May God have mercy on our lives, and let us ask for forgiveness for the times we have failed.



The lie produces losses of billions of dollars in business, government and organizations, but when you start to lie to yourself, things get much worse.

we see why Jesus said that the Devil 'is a liar and the father of lies', because he was the first to tell a lie. When someone lies, they are doing what the Devil did. We should think about this if we are ever tempted to tell a lie (John 8:44).

Excellent message of exhortation, to really lie is a sin that captivates many men and women including Christians, but we must keep in mind that satan is the father of all lies and we will account to God for every sin. including lying, manipulation and others.

Lying is a big problem for many people, including Christians. "Not lying" is one of the ten commandments, but Christians have problems with this commandment.

It is sad to see broken relationships, friendships because of lies, envy within the church itself, as you say Darlenys, God forgive us.

Leviticus 19:11
11 "You shall not steal, nor deceive, nor lie to one another.

We all need to understand and remember that lying is not something insignificant. Sometimes people cheat and reach a point where they do not even realize they are lying or transmitting a lie. Others lie deliberately to advance in their professional life or social condition.

Those of us who have a biblical foundation know very well that lying is one of the acts specifically condemned by the Ten Commandments. "You shall not speak false testimony against your neighbor," the ninth commandment says in Exodus 20:16.

The lie is condemned as a sin throughout all the Holy Scriptures. In fact, a disturbing verse states that for those who never repent or change this deliberate habit, their prophesied destiny is eternal destruction in the fearsome lake of fire (Revelation 21: 8). This fact alone should catch everyone's attention! But even this does not stop people from lying. Lies, big or small, are given everywhere and every day.

Jesus Christ reveals to us that Satan himself is the father of lies, and affirms that the devil "has been a murderer from the beginning, and has not remained in the truth, because there is no truth in him ... because he is a liar, and a father of lies" ( John 8:44, emphasis ours). The Bible records the first lie, that of Satan when he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. This intentional lie led her to death and turned this act into murder, as Jesus said.

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