in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

I never imagined that the love of God was so great, it never crossed my mind that everything I had dreamed I would leave aside to follow Him, it's funny to know that I believed in my life and my destiny when He already had his eyes on me. I do not know if something similar happened to you, you had your life planned, your plans drawn and suddenly He arrives and messes up everything in order to put it in order. He acts in an amazing way, what once seemed important to you is no longer what you once saw as your dreams are no longer what you previously saw as a need ceased to exist. Now it is He who has the reins of my life and I hope that of yours as well, because although it is something inexplicable what is lived without doubt is the most rewarding thing that can be experienced.


As I move forward in my relationship with the Lord, I understand that you have to die to many things that hinder Him and that prevent you from achieving the purpose you have for my life, and do not worry if the same thing happens to you and you feel fear, it is natural, it is something that we did not expect to happen, besides everything becomes even more complex if we are surrounded by people who do not understand why our decision and our change, and instead of supporting what they do is reject us, judge us and even make fun of us.

Some of them just wait to see us fail, they think this is a matter of time and in their hearts the desire is that it will not last long to see us defeated; They curse us with their desires and their thoughts and do not even realize it. Many of them failed in their attempt to follow Jesus and as they did not succeed they think that this will happen with us. What I say to these people when they are doubting my choice, is that if I myself do not understand what is happening, much less can they understand it; I only trust in the Lord and I allow myself to be led by Him, I hold on to His right hand and I believe Him because I know He is faithful. Do you know what is the difference between them and us? That when we decided to open our hearts to Jesus, we did it with conviction and not with emotion, that is why we are not going to fail and this does not mean that it will be easy, in some moments it is quite difficult but if we remain in Him, we will be able to advance every day until let's get to where He wants to take us.

God would never dare to play with my happiness, with my life, He is not wrong and I do not regret having left everything for Him, because I am sure that His Presence is all that I need; moreover, I must still die to many other things but I have my heart ready before God to be able to achieve it, because it is not my own strength, it is in the strength of Him. The things that I have left behind no longer have value, my life has gained value when Jesus entered my heart, it is the meaning of my existence, to live for Him is the purpose of my life.

The most important thing is that they recognize God as the only king, and that they do what he asks of them. God will give you everything you need in due time. Matthew 6:33 (Current Language Translation).

Your life is important to Him and all He longs to do is make you happy, He would never dare to hurt you.

Never regret having made the decision to surrender to Him no matter what you had or who you had to leave, it is worth it, life is worth following Jesus, He would never have allowed you to leave everything if it is not for your own good, trust in Your wisdom, great blessings await you by your side and what started with you as well as with me, will complete it.

Great is his love for us!
The faithfulness of the Lord is eternal!
Psalm 117: 2


This post reminds me of the @steemchurch #beatitudes. #beatitudes come to us with happiness according to Matthew 5: 2-12, GNB:

Mat 5:2 and he began to teach them:
Mat 5:3 "Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them!
Mat 5:4 "Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them!
Mat 5:5 "Happy are those who are humble; they will receive what God has promised!
Mat 5:6 "Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!
Mat 5:7 "Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them!
Mat 5:8 "Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God!
Mat 5:9 "Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children!
Mat 5:10 "Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them!
Mat 5:11 "Happy are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers.
Mat 5:12 Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. This is how the prophets who lived before you were persecuted.

He is the best friend, The best father is to put all our projects in his hands and he will perfect them

One of the best advice of the bible is: Commit your way to God, trust and He will act. No time is wasted in the ways of God! He always helps us. In your hands we are safe sister Darlenys! Good message!

The safest place is the hands of God, we can sleep peacefully, walk safely and walk in peace in his presence. We should not worry about anything, but trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Being in the hands of God is synonymous with having a beautiful relationship with Him, as I move forward in my relationship with the Lord, I understand that I must die to many things that prevent reaching the purpose you have in life.

In Christ that enjoy happiness, but the world's happiness is just short and lots of problems, so lets all turn to Christ.

God is our everything, in God we found everything, God will never let is own people suffer. We are the salt of the world

¡God is our strength...!

God is the center of our lives, since he chose us, his plans were drawn for this walk with Him.

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