in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Blessings to all my brothers of @steemchurch, first of all I want to thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes for the restoration of my health, I have been in these last days in a process of physical restoration, I know that God listens to his children and that those powerful prayers have taken effect on me.

Thank you @Sirknight for that beautiful detail, everything you have done for me, for your time, for those prayers that reach the heavens, are very valuable for my life.(You are my divine connection). I am filled with happiness to see how you have led this community, we have grown spiritually in an amazing way. Several days ago, I had a vision and so I expressed it in a message, about the anointing that descended from the Father of @Steemchurch to the crowds.

One of the things that struck me is to realize how the declaration of the prophetic word flows. I imagine that God whispered to the heart of @sirknight:

... "this Knight has prayed for her and knows that our valiant sister will rise soon, stronger than ever"

Today that word has been fulfilled in my life, I am here stronger than ever and with a powerful word for the whole church:

Good news of salvation for Sion
Isaiah 61
61 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to preach good news to the dejected, to bandage the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and to the prisoners to open the prison;

2 to proclaim the year of the good will of Jehovah, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all mourners;

3 to order that the afflicted of Zion be given glory instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning, mantle of joy instead of the spirit of anguish; and they shall be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, for his glory.

4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins, and they will raise the first desolations, and they will restore the ruined cities, the rubble of many generations.

Because the burning desire of creation is to await the manifestation of the children of God.
Romans 8:19

There are moments in our life where the bad news seems like it does not end, that kind of episodes where you wake up and fall asleep listening to bad news, where when you hear another one you feel faint, where a discouragement enters your life and even your body feels heavy, that kind of news that makes you ask: What is happening ?, that is, why is all this happening to you in one go? That's how it was, when my flesh felt so much pain, I just wanted to cry, and ask until when?

It was not until the moment that I began to open my spiritual eyes, and I thought to those who love God all things help them well, and to know that God's purpose is greater than my pain: that pain that would take me a few days later. freeing lives, restoring hearts, today I thank God for my pain, it was the father's excuse to develop the Spiritual Gift of healing.

I felt my physical strength vanish, but my spirit was strengthened. As a step?

From one moment to another was in a bed waiting for a doctor, who did not come in a good mood because he had interrupted a trip to come to see a patient, I heard him saying: It is getting too late I will just spend a moment. He entered, and told me:

You are the cause of delaying my trip, when I saw it, the holy spirit told me, it revealed many things to me and with a little prudence I answered: I have not brought you here, it has been God ... in order to proclaim a word for your life and I have to tell you ... I told him everything that the Lord put in my heart, in a short time I had before me, a man broken before the power of God. With tears in his eyes, he said: I have some friends who are Christians but they do not have what you have, and they tell me that I am going to hell! I had not met someone like you ... ended with this: I will do everything in my power to remove that pain, because your words have removed the pain of my soul ...

At that moment I realized that sometimes God has to break our health, so we can understand that there are people waiting for us, this is the time of the greatest harvest, God is raising a remnant that will be the protagonist of the great revival of the last time.

God has taken me to a new spiritual level, I had never dared to visit the emergency room of a hospital in my city because I was a coward, I thought I did not want to get depressed with so many people suffering, but the spirit of courage came over me, and I took that place, and I cried as Pedro cried when he denied Jesus, I asked God for forgiveness for the opportunities I have let pass, that room was full of wounded, sick people, but with a great need of God. I was praying for a young girl, and when we finished another lady said: daughter I want you to pray for me, I have a tumor, God told me about that woman and told me you know because she is sick because there is a lack of forgiveness in her heart.

My dear brothers, we can not stay in the four walls of a temple, or in our house, there are thousands of souls out there waiting for salvation, today more than ever God requires his people to bring the good news of the Gospel. Maybe not all people will be healed, some will go but with Christ to heaven, someday we will all die physically, then some will say: why healing miracles ?, simply because God wants to show his glory, his magnificence, that people believe in him and be saved. It is time to move forward, God has given us the authority to bind and loosen, to conquer hearts for him, we must awaken and rebuild lives.

From my heart..


This is my favorite warrior, who from adversity brings out the best to glorify the name of God. Thanks for this message @darlenys01!

I am happy with this news and also amazed by the commitment to God, it is inevitable to think that the Lord has blessed you with wisdom, he who honors God, he also honors him. You are very special @darlenys01.

I thank God for the hand of upon your life sweet sister. You are the best and the community needs you and even the world at large. From me to you, happy recovery.

Thank you my dear brother @charleswealth, I miss our conversations soon I will return to the chat.

I really cant wait

Your post on "A NEW AWAKENING" is an awesome one. Thank you very much for such a nice, stunning and organized post.

Thanks for your words, I'm glad you like it.

James 4:17 says, He who knows how to do good, and does not do it, commits sin. It is never a small thing to know the will of God, AND NOT TO DO IT. God calls this sin! We can make excuses for our lack of obedience: "I'll do it later." "I do not think this changes things." "It's not within my reach."
Thank you for your recovery beloved apostle Darlenys!

You are a worthy example to follow, the peace and health of God in your life. we must take the word to these souls. Thank you for your spiritual sensitivity.

@Darlenys01, for real, ALL THINGS WORKETH TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE. Like Jesus Christ said, the issue that took you to the hospital was to reveal the glory of God and am glad that you were sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

God bless you great Woman - @darlenys01.

Thank you for your inspiring testimony which I hope will swing us into action. I am anticipating the emergence of #steemchurch-testimonies and there we could be sharing our personal testimonies to the blessing of others.

God is unique, he knows that his plans are better than ours. God is preparing you for the best of your times. Time to harvest.

words full of wisdom and truth. May God bless you so that it may continue to fill us with the palpa and work of Jesus in your life.

Deborah of this century, without a doubt apostle.

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