in #sc-v5 years ago


As Christians we live a constant struggle to maintain a life that pleases God. Being present in the carnal body has not freed us from the disorderly battles of our flesh, only thanks to God, we have his glorious power within us that helps us endure the terrible temptations of carnal desires.

We all expect a better life in Christ, which must certainly happen when our soul is outside the carnal or corruptible body.
The end of the Christian life is the resurrection for the beginning of a new life full of eternity. The beginning of a new life with the character of eternity begins with the transformation of the corruptible body into an incorruptible body. But all in due order as stated in the Word of God. First, the resurrection of Christ, who now sits at the right hand of the Father on his throne; then, the resurrection of all believers according to God's command.

After the resurrection of Christ, the next resurrection is the resurrection of all saints in Christ, that is, the church of the Lord, which will be produced as described by the apostle Paul, where the dead in Christ will rise first, and those of Christ Christ, we who have remained alive at the time of the rapture of the church, will be transformed into an incorruptible body to receive Christ in the clouds.

The resurrection is a process of transformation where the mortal is transformed into immortality, that is, into an incorruptible spiritual body similar to angels.

The resurrection has its origin in the divine nature of Christ Jesus, who said:

I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in me, even if he is dead, will live.

This biblical portion is the support that those who until today have died in Christ, enjoy the hope that when the Lord manifests in the clouds, those who sleep in Christ will rise first, that is, they will leave the graves, where the Death cannot contain them and they will be gloriously transformed into an incorruptible spiritual body, where sin can no longer be honored by them.

The advantage of dying in Christ is that there is a great hope of resurrection for an eternal life. The mortal is transformed into immortality and life begins for an eternity, without sins, without deaths or diseases. Everything will be a majestic victory over the sting of sin, which is death.

Christian saints, who are still alive for the coming of Christ in the air, also have the promise of transformation without seeing death, will be transformed into incorruptible spiritual bodies, and will unite in the clouds with the resurrected dead in Christ. receive the Lord and be with him for eternity.

There are people who are already physically dead and have run out of Christ, unfortunately for them there is no hope, a resurrection awaits them to face a test before the white throne of God, and by their actions and words they will be judged and thrown. . . in the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. These people will be resurrected, but they will be condemned as Revelation 20: 11-15 says.

People who currently live but have not received Christ in their hearts, the Word says that Jesus is life. If they do not receive Christ by faith in their hearts, the same fate awaits them as the dead without Christ.

He who has Christ has life and has the hope of a resurrection and an eternal life.

He who rises in Christ, the second death, which is the lake of fire, no longer has power over them. He who rises in Christ will enjoy the promise of the new heaven and the new earth with the heavenly Father, Revelation 21.

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