Lesson 33: Treasure in Heaven

in #sc-v5 years ago


Blessings to the whole community. Welcome to my blog. When talking about a treasure, reference is made to a good, a possession or a wealth.

In earthly life, man is not only interested in satisfying his basic needs, but also concentrating on accumulating a set of assets or wealth, which will allow him to have future stability, both for himself and for his family.

This man's concept of wealth has led him to develop within a consumer society, in which his goal is to have. Man becomes possessive, and most of his life is dedicated to work, with the intention of increasing his assets.
Some people manage to develop the power of greed. It is so much his desire to "have" that they don't care about the means they can use to increase their wealth.
In large consumer societies, the number of crimes has increased. Thefts are often in cities that have experienced great economic development.

Man has forgotten the cultivation of his "Being" to focus more on "Having." The consequence of this is that man has moved further away from God because of his eagerness for wealth.
This was warned by the Lord Jesus when he told his disciples: "No one can serve two masters; because he will hate one and love the other, or esteem one and belittle the other. You cannot serve God or wealth" ( Matthew 6: 24).

The eagerness is the element that has distorted the essence of man. Man has left his spiritual essence to cover himself with the material layer. Man has stopped dealing with his search for God to deal with things that have caused him anxiety, tension and pressure.
The Lord Jesus, aware of this reality, urged his disciples not to be anxious and full of anxiety for the things of this world, since the heavenly Father knows the daily needs of his children (Matthew 6: 25-34).

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In order for man to focus more on the search for God and turn away from the eagerness for wealth, the Lord Jesus once again exhorted his disciples to devote themselves to making treasures in heaven and not on earth. This he expressed as follows in Matthew 6: 19-21:

19 Do not take treasure on the ground, where moth and urine are corrupted, and where thieves steal and steal; 20 But you make treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor urine corrupts, and where thieves do not mine or steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Jesus makes his warning against greed and anxiety, which implies that the things of this world are uncertain and transient, but the celestial is imperishable.

Once again, dear reader, put your trust as Jesus says in the things above and not in the things below. To treasure in the heavens is to enjoy great riches that will never end. The holy spiritual city awaits us. Golden streets, an incorruptible and resplendent city. Doesn't all this seem like a glorious treasure that God has already prepared for all who love him?


To change the direction of your treasures you just have to change the direction of your heart.

Man is very anxious to pile wealth on earth, eager to win the whole world with the little time he was given, many are looking for their own life and forgetting the eternal life that only in Jesus can we find, however, at end of the day, nothing you got on earth can take you to the grave, the earthly treasures here conquered here will stay. The best treasure we can receive is God's favor for our lives through the Lord Jesus Christ

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