Have faith in the word of life.

in #sc-v5 years ago


I bless you in the name of Jesus. We can ask ourselves:

What was the Bible written for?
To explain the complexities of human government? Criticize certain economic theories? To teach us the wonders of astronomy?

Friendly reader, although in the Bible we find references to the immensity of the heavens and the earth and the magnificence of the firmament, the purpose of the Bible is not to tell us what happens in heaven, but to tell us how to go to heaven. The great message of the Bible is that, through his word, God wants to radically change the lives of men and women, praparándolos for eternity with Him in glory.

The word of God has the power to transform individuals from convicted sinners to redeemed believers. The Bible has the power to change both the important and the insignificant, the rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant. We have seen the word of God transforming the lives of countless people: the general secretary of a national communist party, a princess, a government minister, simple men, businessmen, mothers, grandmothers, professional women, students, divorced couples , young drug addicts, homosexuals, uneducated people, children ... and the list goes on.

On the other hand, the Bible has set to transform a weak Christian into a triumphant one. This is known as the work of sanctification. The Bible frees us from sin, cleanses us and before God sanctifies us in our walk.

The Lord Jesus prayed to his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane: "Sanctify them in their truth, their word is truth" (John 17:17). His word cleanses us: "Now you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you" (John 15: 3).

It is not enough to know that the scriptures "can make you wise for salvation by the faith that is in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15). Paul continues: "The entire Bible was given to us by inspiration of God and is useful to teach us the truth, to make us understand the faults committed and help us lead a righteous life (v. 16).

The word of God immediately points out the small zones of sin on the altar of our soul. However, Bibles with dust lead to dirty lives.

If you have already proven the power of the word of life when you gave your heart to Jesus Christ, have you also experienced the power of that word of life to give you victory in your Christian life and help you live in victory for the glory of Jesus Christ?



The word of life is Jesus Christ therefore we have to have faith and confidence in Him to be able to fight the battles with which we fight in our path.
Thanks for sharing @carlis20

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