in #sc-v5 years ago

Many began the work of God with fire and were happy, but something has happened and they lost the ax, which represents the anointing of God.


"And it came to pass that while one fell down a tree, the ax fell into the water; and shouted saying: Ah, my lord, it was borrowed! The man of God asked: Where did he fall? And he showed him the place. Then he cut a stick, and threw it there; and made the iron float. And he said: Take it. And he stretched out his hand, and took it "2 Kings 6: 5-7

"If the iron is dull, and its edge is not grinded, then more force must be added; but wisdom is profitable to direct "Ecclesiastes 10:10.

When He anoints you, it is your job to take care of that anointing. God gives you the ax, the tool to do the work and your responsibility is to take care of it, to have it always sharp.

If you have lost the effectiveness of your work, 2 things could happen:

**You lost the ax
**You lost the edge of the ax

So what you should do is sharpen the ax or retrieve the ax.

"Do not add more strength, because that way you will not get the fruit. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts."

How to recover the ax or the anointing?

In the anointed places: God raises ministries in places where people sharpen the ax or recover the ax, the anointing.
Walking with the anointed.

How to sharpen the sword?

Against the rock: Sharpen the ax against the rock that is the Word of God, you need to have times before God with His word, the more you are there, the more you meditate on His word, the more sharp the ax will be.
Climbing the mountain of prayer: Only there you will have the victory before going up to the platform. God will transform your life, the brightness of God will be evident in your face, in your words, in your way of ministering or serving the Lord.

Giving: The more we give, God gives us more. If you minister, if you pray for the sick, if you invite someone to church, you feel how God makes you grow in all things and blesses your life, and if not, why the anointing? But to be powerful witnesses of Jesus Christ. If you spend it, God will give you more.


How to recover the ax ?, This has happened to us at some point, we have all lost something and some can feel it today, but the important thing is how I am going to overcome it, how the ax was made to float. Number one to recover that ax that you have lost, you need to react, this man while he saw flying the ax reacted immediately, saw where he fell, reacts! Many get cold and do nothing. Easier for this man was to be ashamed or justified, react means an action that resists another, we must react to these situations.

Number 2, recognize my faults, I am honest and I do not blame others, blame others for losing your ax; This man did not blame another, he did not find excuses, he acknowledged his lack. Number 3, he sought the right help, today you are losing your marriage, your job, who you are looking for, people who advise you badly What did this man do, his fault he was not, or could have been, but he called Elisha, glory God that Elisha was there, a good decision in a moment prevented him from losing his ax, if God is with you who against you, if you invite him to be ready to help you.

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