in #sc-v6 years ago

God works through our prayers. When God wants to do something specific, He motivates us to ask Him to do it.

He only acts that way. In Genesis 20, we read about the first miracle of healing mentioned in the Scriptures. Abraham's prayer resulted in the forgiveness and healing of the entire family of the Philistine leader, Abimelech. However, this was not Abraham's idea; This idea was from God from the beginning. God told Abimelech to ask Abraham to pray for him to be healed.


God inspired Abraham to pray for Abimelech and urged Abimelech to trust that Abraham's prayer would be answered. All this was planned by God. By healing a pagan family, God committed himself - He was never going to be able to contradict himself. The Lord had revealed who He was, and He could not turn back. God makes himself known through his works, and his works do not contradict his nature.

God does not always duplicate his works. He rarely repeats Himself, since He has an infinite number of plans and methods. God has proven to be a healing God, and healing is something He wants to do.

Never forget this: His works show the heart and the immutable nature of God. He has the same love and passion that he has always had, and his works can not go against his nature.

If the world is to be saved, people have to listen to the Gospel. If they are to hear the Gospel, then someone must preach it

The Sacred Duties

What God is, is what He must do. God can not be who He is, and not do the things He represents. If He is love, He should love people. If He is the Savior, He must save people. God must heal, because He has revealed Himself as the Healing God.

The Gospel of John speaks of the duties of Jesus. When Jesus said, "It is necessary for you to be born again" (John 3: 7), he implied that He Himself must do it for us. We can not give life to ourselves. Only God can do something like that. James 1:18 says, "He, of his will, made us be born by the word of truth ...". The new birth is the result of the Word, of the Gospel.

If the world is to be saved, people have to listen to the Gospel. If they are to listen to the Gospel, then someone must preach it: "And how will they believe in the one they have not heard of? And how will they hear without someone preaching to them? "(Romans 10:14).

People need to hear the Gospel, and this need creates a desire in the heart of God: He wants us to know the Gospel. He knows that we must be born again, and can not sit on his throne without doing anything. That would be something completely contrary to its nature. God knows our needs and is committed to fulfilling them.

In the same way, if we who have been created in the image of God, we know the need in the world, we have a duty to do something about it. The desire of God awakens in us the need to help those in need. If you and I have enough food, then we can not sit around and watch our neighbors die of hunger. The same is true of spiritual food.

Our spiritual need awakens a passion in the heart of God; and our attitude towards other people should be like that too.

When Jesus said, "He who is not born again can not see the kingdom of God," he almost immediately added, "so it is necessary that the Son of Man be lifted up ..." (John 3:14). On both occasions, Jesus used a word that in Greek means "must".

Our need becomes His need to satisfy our need. Jesus lived with a constant sense of the perfect will of God. He must give us salvation because we need to be saved. In John 10:16, Jesus said, "I also have other sheep that are not of this fold," sheep that needed salvation. "I must also bring those ..."

This revelation of God becomes our foundation, both for faith and for evangelism. The God of the Bible, our Lord Jesus Christ, The Immutable, will never fail us. When we respond to your invitation, it takes us by your hand and we make it known to a world that perishes.


@abordo2000, there is a need in the world and we as Christians also have our spiritual need that awakens a passion in the heart of God; and our attitude towards other people should also be to satisfy their need whatever it may be. Thanks for sharing.
God bless you.

Just like a father, he love listening to our prayers; especially when we pray maturely according to his perfect will!

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