in #sc-v6 years ago

2 Corinthians 12.7 "And lest the greatness of the revelations should exalt me ​​exceedingly, there was given to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, that I should not be exalted above measure"

One of the problems that most men experience at a time in their lives is pride and pride, inseparable brothers, who show up when a certain achievement or "success" has been achieved and that motivate them to boast of it. This is what the apostle Paul says in his letter to the brothers of the Corinthian church, indicating that he, as a servant of the Lord, could well boast of all the revelations given to him, yet he recognized that nothing belonged to him, since everything was given to him by divine instruction, and so that he remembered that nothing was due to his own achievements, he was given a "sting" or suffering so that at a certain moment he would want to rise with arrogance this would cause him physical pain that would make him return to his humility and stop being proud ... This reminds me of the same situation (and valid comparison) with horses, which put a brake on their mouth and when they want to run, the rider pulls the reins to that they do not do his will, but submit to his will.


Unfortunately, pride and arrogance today is an evil that, like cancer, corrodes the soul of the sufferer, to the point of becoming an indifferent, insensitive, despotic being, etc. That the only thing that she manages to do is isolate herself more and more from society and especially from her family, since even with her she adopts a somewhat rude attitude, with little concern for what happens to her children, wives and parents; these two attitudes in this type of people can be reflected in behavior, also in the way they dress, talk, walk or treat their peers; he feels left over and deserves all kinds of attentions and privileges. The words goodness and mercy do not exist in your dictionary, therefore it will not be manifested in your behavior either.

The prophet Nehemiah said "it is necessary to shake the people, so that this one reacts" is certainly the same thing that needs to be done with these people so that they react and return to a humble attitude, stripping themselves of all falsehood and vanity that the only thing that lead is to rejection and contempt, whose payment is marginalization and loneliness.

We as children of God need to suffer weakness, so that as it says to the apostle Paul let the Lord of Glory be perfected with his power ... a physical hindrance can be translated as a disease or disease that can at a certain moment cause pain, discomfort, depression, anguish and because not also fear; however it should not be seen as something bad, but as something that will serve to recognize that only the power of God, his Grace and Mercy can move us forward, and that if He allowed you to have a physical hindrance is to remember you as Paul who swims of what you have achieved or possess is by own merits, NO, but that everything has been given to you by the infinite power and love that God has for you, since nobody remembers this, nobody is worthy of NOTHING and that if you have something It is because of God's goodness, whatever you call it (family, assets, profession, position and even your own life), they have been given to you by God's favor. So this is the moment in which you must diligently analyze your attitude, and assuming that these two evils were in you, bend your knees and SUPPORT the Lord to transform you and put in you the character of Jesus Our Lord and Savior. Amen

<< That the sting that you bring in you is so that you remember how weak you are >>


Amen, we can not have a higher concept of ourselves than that which God has given us through Jesus.

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