Spirit of Revelation

in #sc-v6 years ago

Meditating a little on the birth of Jesus, I reasoned several things that I had once heard them mention in my life, but that I had not properly appropriated them.

The first of these things is the way in which we see the Holy Spirit or what place we are giving him in our life, he is not the last of the trinity, because it is of the utmost importance just like God the Father and Jesus.


As we all know at the time of Mary conceiving her son, it was the Holy Spirit who generated it. Now, it sounds like there is nothing new in this, but we do not analyze that the Holy Spirit is the power of God. If we only had a deep relationship with him and sought his guidance, we could do so many things for the glory of God; and just as he gave life to Jesus at the moment of being conceived, he also had the power to resuscitate him days after his death, if we understood that that same Holy Spirit that gave Jesus the power to do everything he did, also wants to live in us, he wants to be our friend and do amazing things in our life, he is the main base to obtain a miracle, freedom, healing and restoration.

That same Spirit wants to help you and me; What happens is that we do not let him act and many times we limit his power, leaving him aside or we see him as a beautiful and beautiful white dove, he is more than that, he is the one who helps us to execute the will of God in the earth and the manifestation of his power.

And when he thought of this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said to him, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to receive Mary your wife, because what is begotten in her is from the Holy Spirit."

Matthew 1:20 (Reina-Valera 1960).

On the other hand are the dreams, if we read the first two chapters of the Gospel of Matthew we note that the word dreams is repeated several times and when God repeats a word it is because something wants to tell us.

The way God used to speak to Joseph and many characters were dreams, which means that God can also speak to us through them, therefore we must take into account everything we dream of and more if they are dreams repetitive because some message must have. Later in the visit of the wise men in dreams it was revealed to them that they did not meet with Herod because he wanted to know where Jesus was to kill him. But obviously God could not allow it (Matthew 2:12).

So God is still using dreams to reveal things that have to happen or we have to cut or fight and that is why it is important that we have the Holy Spirit as a friend.

There are people who dream every day, and have several dreams in one night, because I am one of them, God has spoken to me many times through them, at first I dreamed and usually did not understand anything, so I just let it go or I forgot, until there came a time when I started to be more interested in those things, the lord worried my heart and I wanted to understand that.

Then I learned that the Holy Spirit has several gifts and one of them are those of revelation, therefore we need him to understand and interpret what each dream means, so I invite you to every time you have a dream and not what understand, if it does not give you peace in your heart, look for its presence, pray for the Holy Spirit to bring the revelation to your life.

This helps us to know the will of God, get the answers we are expecting, also part of our future or that of our family and many revelations of the spiritual world. Also to have discernment of the dreams that come from God and others that are attacks of the enemy. That's why we look for the answers directly with God through the Holy Spirit and not looking for fortune tellers, seers, sorcerers, numerologists or anything of those things.

Dreaming does not cost anything but it means a lot!
¨ And Jacob awakened from his sleep, and said: Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it ¨

Genesis 28:16 (Reina-Valera 1960)


The spirit of revelation is within the reach of every person who, through the proper authority of the priesthood, receives the saving ordinances of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins and the laying on of hands to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to act with faith to fulfill the mandate of the priesthood that says: "Receive the Holy Spirit."

Excellent publication @abordo2000! I loved your subject, God bless you!

It is important to pray for our spirit revelation. The holy spirit brings revelation is in different ways

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