Daily Devotion: #49. Activating the WORD OF GOD in your life

in #sc-n5 years ago



Joshua.1.8 - This book of the law shall not Depart Out Of Thy Mouth; but thou shalt 'Meditate Therein' day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make Thy Way Prosperous, and then thou shalt have Good Success.

In order to activate the Power of the Word Of God In One's life, One has to say (speak) the Word In His Heart With His Own Mouth. Only Words Make Words Break! The Power Of God In My Life Is Activated By My Response To The Word Of God.

The father never withdraws from His Word. He watches over His Word (Jer 1:12, Ezekiel 12:25, 28). God And His Word Are One! Therefore, we ought not to "WITHDRAW TOO" from His Word, Because We Are Born Of It! (James 1:18, 1Peter 1:23) God does not slumber since He Is Committed To Perform His Word; That He Watches Over It, Day And Night.

This explains why He is not slack of His Promises, never in a state of laziness or in a comma concerning His Word (Promises) That Secure Our Futures.

Heb.11.3 - Through faith we Understand that the Worlds were framed by the Word Of God, So That Things Which Are Seen Were Not Made Of Things Which Do Appear.

Without Faith, We Cannot Please The Father Of Lights (Spirits). The just have to walk by faith, and not by sight; because Faith Is Not A Reaction, But My Response To Living The Word. The Blessing Of God Lies In My Response!

Till Now I Can't Forget When Father Said To Me,

"ACCURACY IS POWER. And that is why; The Awareness (Knowledge) Of The Holy, Is Seeing In Hearing!"

The Knowledge of the Holy Is Understanding (Proverbs 9:9-10). The fear of the Lord Is The START of Wisdom, and to Depart From Evil is Understanding (Job 28:28).

🌶 God tells Joshua in Joshua 1:8 - "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

God tells Him, Let not this Book Of Revelation depart from your Mouth. Why? Why Not His Heart?

Rom.10.8 - But what does it say? "The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth and In Your Heart" (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and With "The Mouth" One Confesses and Is Saved."(ESV)

For one to be heart conscious, is good but you are only saved when you only confess the Word with your own mouth.Your mouth has a tongue, which has the power over life and death (Pro 18:21). For a wholesome (healing) tongue is a tree of life ... (Pro 15:2, 4).

Any man who does not stumble (offend) in Word, can control his entire body and world (James 3:1-2). God Created Everything He Creates By Words, And Destroys Everything He Destroys By Words, Still!

So God Says To Us, Be Not Conformed To This World, but Be Transformed (transfigured) By Renewing Of Your Mind (Romans 12:2). If you speak what is around you, what you see with own two optical eyes, what everyone is saying; you have conformed to the world. You have let the Word To Depart From Your Mouth.

Secondly, God tells Joshua, You Shall Meditate Therein (on it) Day and Night. God is saying to Joshua, Let Not The Word Depart Out Of Your Mouth, by you meditating on it day and night ... Meditating in Hebrew means: to Ponder, Mutter, Talk And Shout. He says, Meditating therein day and night, implying the Bible should be your meditation Material. Nothing else!

That you may observe to do and act accordingly as it is written therein. For which only then will you make your way prosperous, then deal wisely and have good success. Only Then Will The Blessing Of God Come And Overtake You From Behind; as you burst out in prosperity and Blossom With Beauty Like A Flower.

💍 The Kingdom Secret On The Significance Of Hearing:

  1. We Hear To Do, And Not The Opposite! (Romans 10:17).

  2. We Don't "Do" To Hear rather; we hear to do (James 1:22).

  3. We Only See In Hearing. (Gen 1:1, John 1:1-3) Which means, we only see what we believe or rather look for.

  4. The language Of God Is Pictures, Photographs And Visions.

For example, In the beginning, God Created Heaven And Earth. What comes to your mind that existed before the beginning and after it? Who Started The Beginning? Did God Start Start or Start Started God?

  1. The Principle Of Pictures Is, The Picture Does Not Change Over Time, But Only Its Contents In It Do Change! (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8)

Are you In Christ? Is Your life Hid With Christ In God? Are You Crucified With Christ? (Col 3:3, Gal 2:20)

  1. Whenever God Wants To Change A Man, He Changes The Pictures That Dominate His Mind.

The Devil Hates Dreamers like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Ruth, Esther etc. Did You Know That Devil Agents Don't Dream?

  1. God Is The Unchanging Changer.

🕊Conclusively, Here is the PRINCIPLE Of Life:

"The Way You Think, Influences The Way You Feel (your attitude); The Way You Feel Influences Your Actions; And Your Actions Determine Your Destiny."

Your 'Thoughts' influence your 'Words', yours Words influence your 'Actions' and your Actions determine your 'Destiny'.

Your Life is a reflection of your Words and your Words are a reflection of your Thoughts. As A Man Thinks In His Heart, So Is He! (Pro 23:7).

N.B: Your Feelings Decide Your Attitude (Focus). And The Sharper Your Focus, The Sharper You Are!


Great And Mighty God, My Father. Creator Of All Things, My Heart Is Overwhelmed With Joy And Peace. You Made Me Just Like You, That I May Reign In Life. I Was Born And Destined To Be A King, And That's The Only Way. I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Lives In Me, And Strengthens Me. I Am Seated In The Heavenly Places, Filled With Power, Led By The Holy Ghost And I Got The Wisdom Of God In Me. I Am Fearfully And Wonderfully Made, Even Before The Foundations Of The Earth. I AM A KING, I SPEAK THE WORD WITH POWER, AND IT WORKS TO MY ADVANTAGE. I Am Royalty, Unstoppable, Unlimited, Unmovable. Prosperity Is In My Spirit. Everything I Do Prosperous In Jesus Name.



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