Serving God: How do we manage our experience in life against God's Specifications concerning a Project?

in #sc-n5 years ago

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And Noah did all that the LORD had commanded him. Now Noah was 600years old when the floodwaters cameupon the earth. And Noah entered the ark, along with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives, to escape the waters of the flood - Genesis 7: 5-7 (Berean Study Bible)

Brainstorming through the above scripture after a Bible study class was quite very rewarding and I trust God can as well bless your heart with some revelations he afforded me.

From chapter 6 of Genesis, the Bible describes how God called out Noah, having seen how different he was. God gave Noah a mandate to build and ark that would represent the move of salvation for mankind today.

God was very detailed with the specifications of the ark. In verses 14 through 16 of the 6th chapter of the book of Genesis, God took time to explain how the ark would look like with specific dimensions.

Further reading to chapter 7 where we captured our focal scriptural reading, we see that Noah did EVERYTHING according to God's specifications as regarding the building of the ark. The scripture then went ahead to tell us how old Noah was at this time when he finished the building of the ark - 600 years.

The age of Noah became an information of focus for my brainstorming and I wish to share here. Noah at 600 years is a man that has seen, touched, perceived, experienced many things in life, yet, this man is he who stooped down to adhere to all the DETAILS of what God commanded him to do.

Do we have men as Noah today?

Let's ponder on the above question carefully. If we are true to ourselves, we'll agree that we are on a generation that we hold tight that "experience is the best teacher". Most times, we recount our previous life succeses and hold firm on them as the basis for future success.

Most people are too busy arranging their curriculum vitae, rather than listening to what God has to say about that job. More sad is when we acclaim to be serving God, yet, we hold with a tight fist our self acquired and acquainted knowledge.

Sometimes, we tell gid how old we are to qualify us not to listen to what God has to say.

What if Noah had told God that he has lived for 600 years already, as such, sees no basis for building a boat since there has never been rain. However, not minding his life experiences, Noah obeyed God to the tiniest of instruction as he built the boat.

This message came to us to help us consider and reconsider our attitudes towards God's service. Whenever God gives us a task, he gives us a method to follow to a perfect finish.

We can never do God's things the way it fits our eyes and expect God to give us a nod. Our experiences are but trash when it has to do with the methods of serving God.

May God help us to shelve our ego and experience to follow his guide as we serve Him- Amen.

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God has His methods, His ways, He has called us to follow.
God has a standard, His foundation cannot be broken.
We, in serving Him must learn to follow His ways.

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I choose this post for @zephalexia's upgaged Thank you for being a good person and congratulations. Posted using Partiko Android

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thanks for this recommendation @nasreena

thanks for your very inspiring thoughts , all efforts will be nothing withour prayer and GOD's power

Your post has been recommended by @nasreena for my up-gage challenge

Thank you

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