Are you A Man Of God Or An Old Prophet?

in #sc-n6 years ago

TEXT: Mark 3:13-15 KJV
And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. [14] And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, [15] And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:
The kingdom of God is surrounded by mysteries and protocols. If we must get ground breaking,jaw dropping and nation shaking results, we must follow laid down principles and protocols in the kingdom of God to get such results.
One of the main reason we are called is not to preach,heal the sick or even raise the dead. Jesus called his disciples to first be with him,keep him company and spend time with him. Many young people today even old preachers has allowed preaching,ministering to people and prophecy to take the place of tarrying in the presence of God, its very dangerous sir and ma.
You dont have the right to speak to the people of God about God until you have spoken to the God of the people about the people.
Man and woman of God,your first assignment is to tarry in the presence of God and spend time with him. Your public ministry cannot be bigger than your secret life, the power of your secret place will reflect in your public ministry. You can tell if a man has being with God when he stands in the public place to minister. The availability of the manifestation of Gifts does not gurantee the palpability, tangibility and feelebility of Gods presence. Gift and power of God can be flowing but the manifest presence is scarce.
Many are still operating in the gifts but has long being disconnected from God. When you study I Kings 13: 1- end, the bible speaks of a man of God sent from God by the word of the Lord unto Bethel but there was an old prophet in town. The young man was called a man of God but the other man was called a prophet, that's to let you know that there is a difference between a prophet and a man of God. Elijah never said if l be a prophet rather he said if l be a man of God. You can be prophesying and not be a man of God. A prophet can be prophesying but is out of touch and connection with God. God speaks through the old prophet once in a while, the old prophet speaks lies in the name of the Lord, they speak when God has not spoken just to created impression and also the old prophet killed the ministry and destiny of the man of God. Old prophets kills the ministry and destiny of up coming men and women of God. The authenticity of the ministry of the men and women of God threatens the ministry of the old prophets and prophetesses in town.
A man or woman of God is a man or woman whose address is God,their permanent place of residence is God,if they are going to run errands for God, they come out of God and when they are done, they return back to God. If you must find and see them, look for God. If you find God, you will find them and when you have found them, you have found God. Their dwelling place is his presence.

Are you a prophet,apsotle,prophetess or a MAN or WOMAN of God.?????

In his presence,his nature,his character and personality is deposited in our lives. In that place we are broken,melted,pruned and fix by him.

  1. Anointed to preach.
    There are many speakers,eloquent and gifted orators but few anointed preachers. Anyone can preach and speak but not all can speak and the heart of men is pricked and broken. The anointing of the Holy Ghost is what is required to break the heart of people and impart conviction. Sir and ma is your preaching anointed? Does it have the touch of heaven.? In his presence you are anointed and trained to preach.

  2. Power to heal the sick.
    There is a power that heals the sick. Many preachers today recommend their members to doctors and whereas there are doctors recommending their patients to churches. A brother shared a testimony in our service of how he suffered from a hernia growth,one day his pastor called the sick to pray for them and when he came out, his pastor told him that the church will sponsor his surgery for the growth to be removed and give him live but he turned down the offer and he said he trusted God for supernatural healing,he came for our meeting and the Lord touched him and the growth disappeared after several years. Power to heal can only be accessed in his presence. We live in a dying world characterised with suffering,pain and hurts. The healing power of God is the answer to their pains and hurts and that healing power can only be gotten in the secret place.

  3. Power to cast out devils.
    Casting our devils is made possible by Gods power. Many possessed with devils are seating in our pews in church and some pastors are nor even aware, some are even seating in the altar manipulating the move and flow of God. Power over demons is released in the presence of God.

  4. Through praise and worship. Psalm 100:1-4. Any time you spend worshipping and praising him. You are spending time with him.

  5. Through his word. John 1:1-3.
    The word of God is God, so any time you spend time in the word, you are tarrying in his presence.

  6. Praying in the spirit. Praying fervently in the spirit is a major gate way into the realm of the supernatural. Ephesians 6:18. Praying all prayers in the Spirit.

  7. Fellowship and communion with the Holy Ghost. 2 Corinthians 13:14. Having koinonia is different from asking and making demands. Fellowship is sharing,participating,communing, loving,intimacy,intercourse and interraction..

Some body whose appetite and desire to tarry in the presence of God has died, that passion is restored now and grace to go back and stay with God is released in the name of Jesus Christ.

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