in #sc-n6 years ago

Every human being comes into the world as a baby with clenched up fingers as if holding on to something not wanting to let go. A disciple is an individual who has forsaken all including self to follow another man, in the case of Christians, Jesus Christ.

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When Jesus called his early disciples by the Sea of Galilee, Peter, Andrew, James and John left fishing and other things and followed Jesus. Jesus using two illustrations taught on the need to count the cost of discipleship. It is a stopping to stoop, search and consider.

The cost of discipleship is forsaking all to follow Jesus. Salvation is by grace, but not a costless grace to remain saved. Costly grace is the treasure hidden in the field. It is the pearl of great price to buy which the merchant will sell all his goods to get.

When you do not count the cost, the possibility of going back is there.


Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, Jesus said.

Yoke is a wooden cross piece fastened over the neck of two oxen, pulling a plough. Yoke today does not talk about oppression. When you are yoked with Jesus, you are heading towards the way Jesus is heading and doing the things Jesus is doing. The natural human being is stiff neck and stubborn and insist on having his way and doing things the way he likes.

Discipleship bends your neck to make you agree with God and His work. Obedience is very important in a discipleship relationship.

The yoke of discipleship is the discipline in discipleship. A yoked man is no longer on his own. If you must learn of Jesus well, you must be yoked to him. The learning is not just academic, but imparting a life style.

It involves:

1. Leaving To Cleave
Orpah and Ruth lifted up their voice and wept. But Ruth went beyond mere crocodile tears and outburst of emotions. There are some that want to carry over all they had as sinners into being a disciple of Jesus Christ. This is repentance without forsaking. Ruth was able to cleave unto Naomi because she truly and sincerely left Moab. This cleaving showed in Ruth's confession and consecration.

A discipleship relationship is like a marital relationship. Have you left all including yourself to cleave unto Jesus? Discipleship is like putting your hand to the plough, there is no looking back.

2. Discipleship Dependence
Human beings love independence. They like to be independent minded, working and doing things independently. To them, dependence is weakness. Well, it all depends on whom you depend on.

A Christian’s relationship with Christ is that of a vine and its branch. There is no way the branch can live independently, it cannot bear fruits on its own. Any work done independently and not according to God's will, even if it attracts a Noble Prize, is a mere work.

3. A Living Sacrifice
The story of Abraham attempted sacrifice of his son at Mount Moriah is quite intriguing. Isaac here as a type of Christ willingly surrendered and submitted to die. Even with Abraham stretched hand with knife to slay, Isaac voiced no alarm even when he was not drugged.

Apostle Paul had this in mind in beseeching the Roman Christians to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.

If God must achieve his purpose in our life, we must give up our life and lay it in His altar slab. Once that is done, you are not your own. Sinners in the world are free to do whatever they like, you do not have such freedom.

4. No Turning Back
There are many movers and shakers along the path of discipleship, however, if you allow them move you, you may turn back and be drawn into perdition.
It is instructive and advisable that you remember Lot's wife.


God, help me to forsake all to follow Jesus.


You can't give God what cost you nothing.


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I hope you'll engage my post with your comments, upvotes and resteems. Thank you.

I am @Evegrace


@Evegrace, surely, discipleship is when we willingly offer ourselves to be yoked to the Lord. We must be ready to leave our old ways of life to follow the Master's way.



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