in #sc-n6 years ago

The Word MEDITATION is from the Greek word “hagah” which means “to ponder, roar, study, talk, utter, imagine”. Meditation occurs in the mind which is the seat of human decisions. When we meditate on a word, we simply try to connect our minds to the best use-case of such word. In this, we can create a mental picture of what is said. Meditation places one in a limitless environment where the past and the future can be reckoned.

In the scripture, we see how God commanded Joshua to meditate on the Word to help him do every bit of it. Meditation became a factor to his ability to do the Word which will make him successful.

Joshua 1: 7-8

7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.
8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Indeed, God was teaching Joshua to think, brood on the Word until it becomes all he sees, thinks and say. Meditation is not flipping through pages of the Bible; it is an intimate study of the Word. This intimacy is what helps one to connect to the reality of this word and it is one sure way to grow spiritually.


1. We Access the Gold of God’s word in the place of meditation

Like you don’t get gold on the surface of the ground, the treasures of God’s word cannot be captured at a quick glance. You need to dig deep. Meditation is digging deep down the word till you get the Gold of the Word. In meditation, you access deep insights and revelations in the word.

2. Our minds is renewed in the place of meditation

When we meditate, the Holy Spirit beams a search light through our hearts on issues bothering the subject word. Where our knowledge and usage was faulty, the Holy Spirit renews our minds in the right usage and application of the word.

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When we make the Word your thought, we see the scripture through the eyes of the Spirit and begin to call those things that are not as though they be. Remember, our thoughtsis what defines our being.


Oh God, my heart is opened to the revelations of your word. Help me to access the treasures as I meditate.


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I hope you'll engage my post with your comments, upvotes and resteems. Thank you.

I am @Evegrace


@Evegrace, Meditation is a sure tool for our spiritual growth and success. We have to meditate God's word daily. Thank you for sharing.
You can also engage @Steemchurch here:


The practice of meditation is a purpose of God for our lives, the vast majority of people evade meditation and therefore the decisions they make are made lightly.
For example, the psalms are full of meditations as examples to follow. "I meditate on your precepts, and I set my eyes on your paths." (Psalm 119.15)
"I bring to memory the times of yesteryear.
I meditate on all your prowess, I consider the works of your hands "(Psalm 143.5).
Good reflection @evegrace. Blessings

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