in #sc-n6 years ago

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A famous violin maker took his young apprentice into the forest to locate wood to make new instruments.
As they began to climb a mountain, the young apprentice pointed out some tall, strong, sturdy and healthy looking trees to the master violin maker. The old gentleman looked at the trees in passing, shook his head and kept climbing. Finally they passed the tall trees that grew half way up the mountain and came to some short, gnarled trees near the top. These trees had endured the ice of many winters and the winds that swirled around them since the time they began to grow.

As the old master began to cut down one of the trees, the young apprentice questioned him, asking, “Why these trees? The others were tall and beautiful.”“The wood of the sheltered trees will break under the pressure of shaping the wood into violins,” said the old man. “But the trees beaten by time and nature will produce the best wood and they will make the most beautiful music.”

Why these trees? The others were tall and beautiful.” the boy said to the old master. Hmmm the fact that it is good for food does not mean it should be eaten ask Adam and Eve and sometimes the best or that thing responsible for the sleepless night might not be pleasant to the sight but sight does not matter because looks can be deceiving for we work not by sight but by faith.

It is normal to question God like the boy questioned the old master when we are torn by trials and surrounded by storms. Why, we ask. He is making us strong “so that when others are troubled, we can pass on to them the same help and comfort God has given us.” Jesus himself seeing the suffering before him prayed aloud saying "father let this cup Passover me" but when it done on him that the afterwards glory of connecting mankind back to the source, he said "not my will but your will be done"

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2 Corinthians 4:17 (KJV)
The bible speaking said For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory of God that will be reveal in us. Let’s not forget, it’s not tough time that last but tough people do. See the trial for what it is; “a tutorial class” and not for what it is not. "yea are the light of the world" says the bible but how can you lead others out of darkness if you have not been there, saw and conquered.

Prayer: Lord, when nights are long and days short, may we accept and understand that you are preparing us to minister to the needs of others when they suffer. In the name Jesus. Amen.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.


how can you lead others out of darkness if you have not been there, saw and conquered?.

You cannot give what you don't have or give advice on what you have no clue about.

Our experiences shapen us and give us an edge to counsel others going through it too in the right direction.

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Upvoted and resteemed.

thanks steemchurch for making a difference in my post and i appreciate your stopping by , plssss do come often the door is always open

This is a great message. sometimes the best or that thing responsible for the sleepless night might not be pleasant to the sight but sight does not matter because looks can be deceiving for we work not by sight but by faith. it’s not tough time that last but tough people do. See the trial for what it is; “a tutorial class” and not for what it is not. "yea are the light of the world" says the bible but how can you lead others out of darkness if you have not been there, saw and conquered. It is normal to question God like the boy questioned the old master when we are torn by trials and surrounded by storms. Thanks for sharing

I appreciate your sentiment and story, although today I came across the perfect antithesis. I bought a skateboard on the street for $15 (of $120 worth), and busted my old one 2 hours later... It's a crazy world :)

He is building in us the character of Christ! Rom 8:28. I love you analogies with the message!
God bless!
Daddy William

God bless you too sir for reading

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Wow. Great message. Not all glitters are good. God bless you for this message. God sometimes wounds us before he applies the balm of increase.

Anything what having is never cheap...thanks for the post

I can say that in the worst moments of my life I have known the heart of God, I love this publication, thank you for sharing

thanks for stopping by

Matthew 19:24-26 ...[26] Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
•• In a prayer meeting recently I heard one brother cry out to God, “Lord, you opened the Red Sea!” His prayer had a big impact on me.
• I was immediately reminded of the verse above: “With God all things are possible.”
• There is nothing too difficult for Him. With God nothing is impossible. Nothing! Obstacles that are insurmountable to man are easily overcome by our all-powerful God. Anything is possible for Almighty God.
Exodus 14:10 [10] As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the LORD.

yap all things indeed with him is possible but his possibilities are often limited by our unbelieves. Jesus couldn't perform the kind of sign and wanders he did outside his home country in his own country just because of unbelieve and familiarity.

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