in #sc-n5 years ago

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Hosea 11:3-9, 14:1-9

Hosea 14:4 “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him. KJV.”

God loves His people even when they stray from Him with plea for repentance out of promises.

In Hosea’s time, Israel was completely taken with false gods and every kind of sin and crime was prevalent including the Priests were guilty of luredness and murder.

Therefore Hosea’s message about God’s mercy to backsliders is still needed today for the glory of God.

Backsliding punished:

Hosea 11:1-9, 14:1-9, Reference Deuteronomy 13:1-5 – warning against Idolatry and Colossians 2:1-5 – Paul ministry to the church encouraging them.

God’s compassion for backsliders:

Hosea 11:11. The Lords love for Israel, even though the nation deserved destruction with reference to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Backsliding healed:

Hosea 14:1-9. Hosea called Israel to return to God and spelled out what they would need to say to God with sincerity for their confession and repentance to be real.

The wayward is not only non-church goers as seen in Galatians 1:6-8.

Backsliding is a spiritual and moral disorder brought on one self. Divine healing is available to any backslider – for there is only one Gospel of truth.

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