Truly Saved

in #sc-g5 years ago

John 8:36; so if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.


Christ Jesus came to die for us, to emancipate us from our sins and the entanglement of the devil, he suffered on the cross for you and I because of which he bought us with his precious blood. He bought us expensively because of which one should be fully confident and trust him fully knowing that as he has set you free you are truly and indeed free. Once you become a son or daughter of the most high, things of the old are past and gone, you are not held accountable anymore, your new life starts and as such should no longer be enslaved or entangled in the sins of the past.


One common trick the devil continue to use to enslave the children of God is the constant reminder of their bad and sinful past, this constant reminder prevents them from moving forward in Christ as they continue to let in brood in their minds and eventually they start to doubt if they are truly saved and free from their past. For those who may not know the word of God, it easier for the devil to deceive you and lure you back. Today we are to know that once we are saved we are truly saved and that the ploy of the devil to draw us back do not hold so long as we cling to God and let go of the past. May the good Lord help us today even as we resist the devil and his ploy to draw us back from God. Amen



You are very right dear, those who believes in bim and have accepted him are always assured of the eternal life in Him. Thanks for sharing with us.


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