🐒 I have been researching ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR prices and may have isolated a possible price pattern showing the possibility of ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR rising in price . The pattern works like this.

🐒 BUY SIGNAL: When the first 2 consecutive days in a row the price at 7AM EST falls ( this is the time I collect the data every day ) . When this occurs it is a signal to Buy ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR

🐒 EXIT SIGNAL: When the first 2 consecutive days in a row the price at 7AM EST increases ( this is the time I collect the data every day ) . When this occurs it is a signal to Exit Long Position of ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR

Below ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR price spreadsheet
( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR price is from Bittrex at 7:00AM EST

Below are the results of using this system since August 10 , 2016

8/10/2016$ 0.848/25/2016$ 0.91$ 0.07$ 0.07
8/29/2016$ 0.889/14/2016$ 0.87( -$ 0.01 )$ 0.06
10/27/2016$ 0.9311/05/2016$ 0.95$ 0.02$ 0.08
12/06/2016$ 0.9712/08/2016$ 1.00$ 0.03$ 0.11
12/24/2016$ 0.0981/02/2017$ 1.01$ 0.03$ 0.14
1/17/2017$ 0.981/27/2017$ 1.04$ 0.06$ 0.20
2/19/2017$ 0.983/05/2017$ 1.00$ 0.02$ 0.22
3/15/2017$ 0.963/17/2017$ 1.01$ 0.05$ 0.27
3/22/2017$ 0.983/27/2017$ 4.24$3.26$ 3.53
3/29/2017$ 1.003/31/2017$ 1.17$ 0.17$ 3.70
4/04/2017$ 0.984/11/2017$1.06$ 0.08$ 3.78
4/19/2017$ 1.104/24/2017$ 1.17$ 0.07$ 3.85
4/27/2017$1.175/05/2017$ 1.36$ 0.19$ 4.04
5/16/2017$ 1.615/18/2017$ 1.82$ 0.21$ 4.25
5/26/2017$ 1.826/02/2017$ 1.68( -$ 0.14 )$ 4.11
6/12/2017$ 1.886/19/2017$ 1.79( -$ 0.09 )$ 4.02
6/22/2017$ 1.436/24/2017$ 1.65$ 0.22$ 4.24
6/26/2017$ 1.376/28/2017$ 1.64$ 0.27$ 4.51
6/30/2017$ 1.327/18/2017$ 1.04( -$ 0.28 )$ 4.23
7/20/2017$ 0.967/27/2017$ 1.02$ 0.06$ 4.29
8/12/2017$ 0.958/19/2017$ 1.04$ 0.09$ 4.38
8/24/2017$ 0.998/26/2017$ 1.07$ 0.08$4.46
8/28/2017$ 1.008/30/2017$ 1.06$ 0.05$ 4.51
9/02/2017$ 1.049/06/2017$ 1.03( -$ 0.01 )$ 4.50
9/10/2017$ 0.929/12/2017$ 1.01$ 0.09$ 4.59
9/21/2017$ 0.969/26/2017$ 1.04$ 0.08$ 4.67
9/29/2017$ 1.0210/12/2017$ 0.98$( -$ 0.04 )$ 4.63
10/18/2017$ 0.9410/20/2017$ 0.98$ 0.04$ 4.67
10/28/2017$ 0.9611/05/2017$ 1.01$ 0.05$ 4.72
11/07/2017$ 0.9612/02/2017$ 1.78$ 0.82$ 5.54
12/10/2017$ 7.6912/12/2017$ 12.03$ 4.34$ 9.88
12/14/2017$ 10.8512/17/2017$ 11.48$ 0.63$ 10.51
12/27/2017$ 8.981/02/2018$ 9.71$ 0.73$ 11.24
1/04/2018$ 9.051/13/2018$ 6.84( -$ 2.21 )$ 9.03
1/17/2018$ 3.231/19/2018$ 4.49$ 1.26$ 10.29
1/23/2018$ 5.991/25/2018$ 7.22$ 1.23$ 11.52
1/29/2018$ 6.252/10/2018$ 5.00( -$ 1.25 )$ 10.27
2/19/2018$ 5.053/03/2018$ 3.61( -$ 1.44 )$ 8.83
3/16/2018$ 2.133/20/2018$ 2.19$ 0.06$ 8.89
3/23/2018$ 1.994/03/2018$ 2.49$ 0.50$ 9.39
4/06/2018$ 1.734/08/2018$ 1.96$ 0.23$ 9.62
4/10/2018$ 1.854/12/2018$ 2.21$ 0.36$ 9.98
4/30/2018$ 3.295/03/2018$ 3.34$ 0.05$ 10.03
5/07/2018$ 2.925/14/2018$ 2.44( -$ 0.48 )$ 9.55
5/17/2018$ 2.215/20/2018$ 2.22$ 0.01$ 9.56
5/22/2018$ 2.155/26/2018$ 1.83( -$ 0.32 )$ 9.24
5/28/2018$ 1.646/02/2018$ 1.78$ 0.14$ 9.38
6/05/2018$ 1.686/26/2018$ 1.11( -$ 0.57 )$ 8.81
6/28/2018$ 1.046/30/2018$ 1.14$ 0.10$ 8.91
7/09/2018$ 1.247/16/2018$ 1.14( -$ 0.10 )$ 8.81
7/20/2018$ 1.247/26/2018$ 1.31$ 0.07$ 8.98
7/30/2018$ 1.188/16/2018$ 0.98( -$ 0.20 )$ 8.78
8/20/2018$ 0.978/25/2018$ 0.98$ 0.01$ 8.79
9/06/2018$ 0.939/09/2018$ 0.96$ 0.03$ 8.82
9/25/2018$ 0.9810/15/2018$ 1.01$ 0.03$ 8.85
10/19/2018$ 0.9911/01/2018$ 0.97( -$ 0.02 )$ 8.83
11/14/2018$ 0.9411/22/2018$ 0.87( -$ 0.07 )$ 8.76
11/26/2018$ 0.8111/29/2018$ 0.85$ 0.04$ 8.80
12/07/2018$ 0.5712/09/2018$ 0.61$ 0.04$ 8.84
12/14/2018$ 0.5412/19/2018$ 0.61$ 0.07$ 8.91
12/26/2018$ 0.681/02/2019$ 0.74$ 0.06$ 8.97
1/11/2019$ 0.731/16/2019$ 0.81$ 0.08$ 9.05
1/28/2019$ 0.852/03/2019$ 0.92$ 0.07$ 9.12
2/05/2019$ 0.872/08/2019$ 0.93$ 0.06$ 9.18
3/17/2019$ 1.053/20/2019$ 1.08$ 0.03$ 9.21
3/22/2019$ 1.034/03/2019$ 1.08$ 0.05$ 9.26
4/14/2019$ 0.974/18/2019$ 0.99$ 0.02$ 9.28
4/22/2019$ 0.984/28/2019$ 0.98$ 0.00$ 9.28
5/09/2019$ 0.955/19/2019$ 1.00$ 0.05$ 9.33
5/23/2019$ 0.985/27/2019$ 1.07$ 0.09$ 9.42
6/21/2019$ 0.996/23/2019$ 1.01$ 0.02$ 9.44
7/17/2019$ 0.847/19/2019$ 0.93$ 0.09$ 9.53
7/24/2019$ 0.907/31/2019$ 0.98$ 0.08$ 9.61
8/06/2019$ 0.92

🐒 To date The ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR RESEARCH TRADING SYSTEM # 8 has 73 trades 56 profits and 16 losses and 1 breakeven for a 76.71% accuracy and $9.61 PROFIT per STEEM DOLLAR (SBD) traded.



Be sure to check out @me-tarzan first thing every morning on https://steemit.com/@me-tarzan or https://bearshares.com/@me-tarzan to see what all 8 systems are doing that day.
Daily Bitcoin / Steem / ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR Research Trading Systems Update

Please voice your opinions in the comments below.


🐒 Hold LONG POSITION using this system .

All data is collected at 7:00 AM EST give or take a few minutes .

The ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR price is from Bittrex .


This content is for informational, educational and research purposes only.
Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument.
It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
All ideas , trade signals , opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate . Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals , opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything .



🐒 Hold LONG POSITION using this system

The ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR price is from Bittrex .

This content is for informational, educational and research purposes only.
Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument.
It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
All ideas , trade signals , opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate . Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything .


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60412.47
ETH 2375.47
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62