Where is my SBD

in #sbd6 years ago

Its been ages since the last time I received any rewards in SBD


So where the heck is my SBD.. what happened to SBD.. did someone stole the SBD.. why are you not questioning the authority about this case of missing SBD.. its not like I'm the only one whose SBD is missing.. don't you care about your SBD which is also missing..

PS: I have no idea who the heck is this authority.. so for now I'm assuming whoever is reading this post is the authority..


I was wondering the same thing for the past week

Hi friend @accelerator has a great article explaining the reasons for this here.

I personally find it all a bit confusing myself, but they do a great job of explaining it in a way that's easy to comprehend!

Beat me to it, @shawkr13.

Basically, the Steemit team has decided to stop printing SBD for the moment. Part of this could be an effort to slow the decline/drag on Steem that's similar to the one being felt by pretty much all the other crypto currencies right now. Everything's down all over the market.

My guess is we'll see this changed again once the new hardfork goes into effect, or when prices start to rise. No idea when either of those will happen, but the HF should be coming down the pipeline soon and with that, I imagine there's a good chance we'll see the return of payouts in SBD. :)

Haha 😄 Well I appreciate your additional input - it's always great to hear other points of view about these decisions! Hopefully these decisions that the Steemit team is making will end up benefiting the community and preventing too much more of a decline in the Steem price!

Also, on a slightly different note, how do you generally hear about when the hardforks are taking place and what changes are being implemented during them? I've tried to find info on these previously, but I generally haven't found very many useful posts. Is it often something that the witness accounts would be making posts about?

I usually hear about it through seeing other people posting about it, it's never info I go seeking out by myself, alas. :)

About the Steem price decrease: don't worry about it. Look on the bright side in that every Steem you earn when the price is so low is going to be worth much more when the price rebounds. For instance, back when Steem was trending around $4 at the start of the year, I wrote an article that earned me basically $40 after accounting for curation, so my 50/50 split was 50% Steem ($20) and 50% SBD ($20).

But Steem was worth $4 apiece, so I earned a hair under 5 total Steem, and just under $20 SBD.

To earn 5 Steem today, I'd only need a payout of around $5. Sure, I "get" less in terms of payment, but a lot more than when Steem's at $2+. :)

Thanks! That's definitely a much needed, and much more positive perspective than I have been hearing lately on the drop in the Steem price!

I suppose that another upside of the price decrease is that the less-dedicated users who have come to the platform simply searching for quick gains will likely be posting much less right now, which should make it slightly easier to get my own posts noticed by others!

What happened? How can your SBD be missing @skreza?

I'm not receiving any new SBD.. check your wallet.. you are not getting any new SBD.. rewards are being given in Steem and Steem Power

oh no. very bad happened with you.

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